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There was once a boy and a girl- Jack and Natasha. Happy in their own lives. Oblivious to each other's existence. That is, until they started talking on social media. Things changed, and they clicked instantly. They were friends first, although there was a subtle flirting on both their parts. 

At the time, however, Jack was actually in a relationship with his long-time girlfriend, Karen. It was after sometime that Karen broke up with Jack. Jack found out the hard way that Karen was never really the right person for him, as she had never really loved him. He found out that Karen had actually broken up with him because she wanted to be with another guy, her best friend to be exact. Heartbroken and angry, Jack tried to move on, although it took him more than a good three months. It was at that time, that Natasha helped. She talked and for a while, Jack could take his mind off Karen and her betrayal. He started to depend on Natasha, more and more, and slowly, their friendship blossomed into something more. They started to like each other and then fell in love. After about a year of knowing her, Jack proposed. And she, dizzyingly happy, accepted. 


Hi all, this is just a short story I once wrote for some assignment or competition, I specifically do not remember. I just thought I'd share it here, for once. Hope you enjoy!!

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