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Back when they had been together, there had occurred an incident. Natasha's cousin Rachel had been caught red handed by her mother, Natasha's aunt, Bridget, when she had been meeting her boyfriend Kyle at the City Carnival. Things were in a turmoil for a while, but then suddenly everything cooled down. Natasha and the rest of the cousins were very much shocked, because their Aunt Bridget was simply not the type of woman who would allow her daughter to roam about with a boyfriend, let alone have one! And the fact that she took it within her stride, was shocking for the cousins. After some time the truth however came out. Although it was revealed to Natasha by another girl cousin, Nim. It seemed that Aunt Bridget had actually told Nim's mother, Sabina that Rachel had told her that Kyle was actually Natasha's boyfriend, and she had just been talking with him when Bridget had come upon them. Blind in her daughter's love, Bridget believed all the lies Rachel uttered without even blinking an eye, although Sabina did not. Natasha had been deeply hurt by the fact that Rachel had so easily thrown away years of family love just for the sake of a boy she'd started to date.

Things could have settled down then, had it not been Rachel and her interfering ways. After everything that had happened, Rachel had the audacity to go up to Sabina who was actually a very powerful person in the family as well as in the society. Rachel had spoken out about Jack to her. She had uttered out lies, saying that Jack was not at all a good person, coming from a bad family, had drug addiction problems, smoked and what not.

Sabina by then had become very angry. In very strict terms, she had told Natasha that if she didn't break off ties with him, she'd make sure that Jack would suffer. She would personally take care of facts so that Jack would not have a good future ahead. She'd inform the college authorities, his parents, and make his life hell. She would strive to make sure that he would never get any admission in good institutions, which would thoroughly hamper his studies. 

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