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They lived happily for a while, although they had fights like every other couple. Natasha was happy after a long time. Jack was the first boyfriend she'd ever had, and then became the first guy she kissed. There were times when she felt that maybe Jack was a bit immature and got angry very suddenly without any valid reason or that maybe he couldn't love her like she wanted him to. But fights or not, she loved him after all and accepted him as he was- flaws and all.

Days and months passed. Flushed and ecstatic, Natasha and Jack were the 'it-couple' at college. Every little thing he did for her, was enough to make her scream in happiness, as Jack too realized that maybe, most probably, there would never be any other person who would be able to love him as much as she did. Those small random messages she sent so that those were the first thing he read every morning, the long ones declaring her love, and the random selfies she sent on his insistence, having never really been a selfie person. Jack always felt his heartbeat fasten agonizingly, every time she stepped into sight. And Natasha thought that meeting him was probably the best thing to have ever happened to her.

They were about five months into their relationship when things were starting to get a little rocky. No matter whatever fights they had, or how many times they broke up, they always made their way back to each other. It was as if they were meant to be. It was the fifth time they had broken up. Although they weren't in a relationship, they were back together on speaking terms and flirting away like lovebirds, Natasha was seriously considering getting back together with her wonderful loving boyfriend. It was at that time that fate decided to play cruel tricks on the young lovers. 

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