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It was the Winter Carnival at their college, the 27th of December, 2015. Natasha had decided to end thing finally with Jack that day. And she did. Putting her heartbeat on hold, a stone on her heart, she let go of the amazing boy who loved her with all his heart. She let go of all the happiness she wanted, and perhaps deserved. She knew it was cruel of her to leave him without any explanation. She felt her heart clench seeing him just begging to tell him why, asking for another chance, thinking that maybe it was because of him, promising her that he'd change his ways. But of course, she didn't tell him. Because she knew what he'd say- he would say that he didn't care what happened to him, as long as they were together. But how could she live with herself if she knew that she was the reason behind his downfall.

Jack was very angry. So angry that he shouted at Natasha, cursed her. Even though she said that one day, she would tell him everything, he scoffed at her, unbelieving. But how could he? No one would. He shouted and swore, promising her that he'd move on, forget her, and make her repay, but he would never forget about the poison she fed him. In the end, he decided to believe that she left him for another guy just like Karen had done. And he started to resent her the more for it.

And move on he did. He became a very successful person, becoming the CEO of his own company, and thus a millionaire by the time he was 28. But even though he dated, he never forgot the pain his love had once put him through. He took his revenge on each and every girl that came his way- taking them to bed and then acting like they didn't even exist. 

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