Chapter 11 General?

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Tao Jie, why today already so late, Xiao head house keeper is not letting everyone to take a rest? Chu Zhu Yu yawning, while asking to the Tao Jie who is keep watching and guarding the stove with her.

"Today the general is coming home, the head of house keeper and the others are busy to prepare his arrival." Said Tao Jie, while looking at the small fire in the stove. Now, they are stewing the edible birds nest / Swallow bird nest (Yan Wo), the small fire cannot die out, it should be stew continuously so that it will taste good.

Others than this Yan Wo (the swallow nest soup), there still others delicious food. Then, there are some cooks who are in full battle array, waiting for the general arrives, once the superior instruct, they must ready to do.

While here, the work of Chu Zhu Yu, only looks after this small fire, pay attention to the heat but also do not let the fire die out.

Suddenly, the front yard is in turmoil, Tao Jie popped her head to look around, just seeing one of maid who was hurried running closer.

"What's matter?" Tao Jie pulled the maid and asked her.

"This general just arrived but after that disappeared."

"Arrived and disappeared?" Tao Jie wondering.

After the little maid catches her breath, she explained : " When the general horse carriage arrived at the front door, Xiao head house keeper still heard the general voice from the inside of the carriage, but when the Xiao head house keeper opened the curtain that hanging in the carriage window, he didn't see the general and he also didn't know where the general was, he was panicking, asking all the maid-servants looking for the general."

Once Tao Jie listened to the situation, she was thinking and letting few of the cooks to help looking for the general, while Chu Zhu Yu is remained, remain to taking care the fire.

When these people went out, the kitchen became empty. Chu Zhu Yu eyes filled with rich and varied foods, only could sigh, same human but different fate.

But, she is also curious where this general could be. Does he being kidnap when he was in the carriage? It impossible, as the folks said this Xiao general is someone who has great martial art, even in this human world, there won't be many that matched him.

In the moment she is thinking hard in her head, suddenly a big hand of someone hugged her. Another second, Chu Zhu Yu has fallen to a broad chest, there is familiar scent that sprayed on the side of her neck.

"Jue Qing," she shouted, although she uncertain, but she sure about his manner speaking.

"ng." he calmly replied, he buried his head on her shoulder. Missed her so much, couldn't hold back not to think her. While she, at the moment saw him, her head was blank, her body was hugging by him. At the moment he hugged her, smell her scent, he really could make himself relax.

"By this few days, did you follow the general entered the palace?" she asked him. On that time when the general was entering the palace, she didn't see him in her room.

"Very tired." He murmured, hugging her tighter.

She struggling to release herself, but he not released so she just said: " You released me first, I want to take look at you."

That big hand finally released her from his bosom, she revolving his body, lifting her head to see his face. A beauty elegant face is looked so exhausted, his corner of eyes dark circle in his eyes deepen and darken a lot.

Very natural, she lifting her hand, softly stroke to his forehead, " This few days, you couldn't sleep?"

"I hardly sleep. Once I arrived, rushing looking for you." When he came to her room, he didn't see her, he uncontrolled and almost wanted to flip her entire room.

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