Reader x Robb Stark - Changing

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A/N- This imagine is based on the song "Changing" by Paloma Faith ft. Sigma. It's a really catchy song and I love it. I hope you all like it.

You had been by Robb's side for years, since the two of you were hardly toddling around Winterfell, falling at every bump and divot in the floors of the great hall. In fact, you had been supporting him for so long that when he went to war it was only natural for you to go with him. The first week had been fine, you had kept yourself busy and pretended that you were anywhere else, but soon enough the weeks turned to months and you grew tired of the damp tent you were residing in. Each time you considered leaving the guilt sank in and you regretted your thoughts, Robb and his family were the only reason you were still alive, the only people who had kept you safe when you didn't know there was any danger to be found in the world. But you were miserable, and the longer you waited the harder it all became to handle.

You wandered between tents in the hopes that someone would notice you, would question what you were doing out so late, would whisk you away and take you home, but no one came and you were left with aching feet and mud coating the hem of your dress. It was then that you burst into tears, stopping in the middle of Robb's camp to cry and not knowing what to do. It was one of the serving women that found you, thank the gods, and who hurried you back to your tent and wrapped a blanket around your shoulders before rushing back out into the night. You had assumed she was just too busy, that she was going off to finish her work, but when you heard Robb's voice interrupt your sobs you realised just how wrong you had been.

"What on earth is the matter?" he asked, marching himself to come and kneel in front of you, looking up into your face and causing you to shake your head. Your problems were too selfish for you to tell them to him, so instead you fabricated as believable a lie as you could manage.

"Nothing is wrong, I'm just tired, I haven't been sleeping well," you told him quietly, fighting back the sobs that wanted to continue when he frowned up at you like that.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" The question was simple, but the answer was far harder to explain, so again, you lied to your best friend.

"The wind has been rather violent the last few nights," you answered softly, shrugging as you spoke, "It's been too loud," you added and he gave a short nod.

"If you aren't honest with me then I can't help make it better, Y/N," he murmured to you, his hand resting on your knee as you looked anywhere but back down at him.

"You'll hate me," you muttered back, wiping the back of your hand over your face and sniffling away the last of your tears.

"I could never hate you, and you know it," he retorted, grabbing your free hand in his and giving it a quick squeeze.

"Then you will resent yourself," you sighed, glancing down into his eyes and shaking your head, "and there is no way you could look at me the same way after that."

"Please, just tell me, I can't stand seeing you so unhappy." He shifted, moving his body closer to yours and pulling you into a tight hug, "I promise you that we can fix it."

The tent fell silent for a while, the only sound the patter of rain hitting the fabric as it fell. You gave a final sniffle before releasing a deep sigh. "I can't live like this," you told him quietly, "I can't live in a war camp and pretend that I enjoy being out in nature like this anymore." Robb didn't say a word, but a small sad smile came to his lips.

"Then it seems like that is easy enough to fix, Theon will ride with you back to Winterfell in the morning. I'm sure my brothers will be glad to see you." He got to his feet, moving away from you until he heard you sniffle again, letting a sob bubble out of your chest.

"Everything is changing, Robb," you yelped, and he turned to look at you. "You must be able to feel it," you added, watching as he ran his hand over his face, pausing to rub at his beard for a moment. "I don't know what it is, but this won't end well for us, we both know it."

"I know," he answered softly, moving to sit on the trunk at the end of your bed. "I can't lose you," he muttered and you bit your lip to stop from smiling.

"I love you, Robb, but living like this isn't right, I need to go home; we need to go home." He sighed, listening to you speak with his eyes closed.

"You'll ride home in the morning, I can't abandon my father," he grumbled, refusing to look at you.

"I'm not asking you to," you hissed, shaking your head, "you know I would never want him harmed, but I think that fighting this war puts him in more danger." The two of you stared around the tent for a moment, neither of you saying a word as you kicked at the ground beneath your feet. Your eyes were sore and your head aching as your eyes finally landed on him, hunched over and thinking. "There is something coming, Robb, and it is bigger than any of us, I just can't tell what it is yet." He nodded in understanding.

"My men will think me weak," he muttered, his eyes flitting up to lock onto yours for a brief moment before landing back on the floor. "They will not consider me their leader if I retreat without a fight."

"You need to do what you think is right," you told him, getting to your feet and pressing a kiss to the side of his head, "don't let any of us change what your gut thinks."

Without a seconds notice he grabbed your hand, pulling you down to him and pressing his lips against yours. "Please don't leave," he grumbled when he released you, colour staining your neck and cheeks as you caught your breath, your hand braised on his shoulder.

"I've been here for too long," you told him softly, your hand resting on his cheek for a second and tilting his head up to look at you, "but I will be waiting for you in Winterfell when you return."

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