Lord Varys x Mage!Reader (Requested by xRin_sama)

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A/N- This imagine was requested by xRin_sama. I hope you all enjoy it.

You were sitting over a map when you were first introduced to Varys. Your fingers danced through the flame on the candle beside you, your eyes watching with wonder as you continued to consider the options you had come across. The Dragon Queen had been rather wary when you first came to her, but you could already see the promise in her and there was no way you were going to allow her to brush you away. Soon enough her walls of protection had crumbled, as she came to know the woman behind the magic, and you had been more than happy to help her, giving her as much support as you could muster. You had never met someone like her, she was reckless and passionate, but it stemmed from a place of love, unlike the craving for power that most leaders had hidden away inside of them.

"Y/N," Daenerys interrupted your thinking, smiling when you glanced up at her in surprise.

You got quickly to your feet, barely noticing the man behind her. "Your Grace," you started, giving a short curtsey and smiling sweetly.

"This is Lord Varys," she told you, gesturing at the man, and causing your eyes to wander to him. He was intriguing, the way he held himself bringing with it a sense of authority, though he was would not be considered powerful in the way he was built. "Would you mind awfully if he were to share the Library with you?" she continued, and you shook your head.

"Of course not, Your Grace," you uttered softly, gesturing for the man to take a seat anywhere in the room, "I'm usually at this desk if you need anything," you told him and he gave a short nod, a small smile coming to his lips.

The Queen was gone before anything else could be said and you returned to your spot at the table, going back to work in an instant. You were interrupted a few moments later, however, when Lord Varys had yet to move, continuing to glance around the room. "This is an interesting set-up you have here," he murmured, taking a few steps forward when you glanced up at him. "I know very few leaders who have had need for a mage," he added.

"I have known very few Queen's that have Dragon's and a Dothraki hoard," you answered quickly, sitting up straight to look at him. "Besides, I am less of a necessity and more of a convenience," you told him, gesturing at your map, "I also have quite the brain for geography," you continued, causing him to release a small chuckle.

"I see," he laughed, "well then, you have far more skills than any Mage I've ever met."

You furrowed your brow as you watched him, his feet shuffling uncomfortably across the stone floor, his eyes still fixed on the wall of ingredients, that you often used for potions, and the few gemstones you could muster. "You aren't used to being around magic," you finally spoke, breaking the silence that seemed to only intensify in the vacuum of the library.

"Not quite," he told you quietly, "in fact, one would say I was all together too used to it."

The silence fell again as you watched him in confusion. "How so?"

He didn't answer immediately, his eyes flitting to you for a moment before landing back on the shelves behind you. "I've had less that enjoyable experiences with Mage's in the past."

"Oh," you muttered softly, "well, as you said, I am no regular Mage," you continued, giving him a small smile. "I promise you that there will be no bad experiences without good reason where I am involved."

Varys nodded, pulling out the seat from opposite you and sitting quickly, his eyes struggling to choose where to focus, and flitting between you and the wall behind you. "Thank you," he murmured quietly, only to jump when the door clattered open.

He span in his seat, turning to face the woman behind him. She scowled as her eyes met yours and you felt a small smile come to your lips. "Melisandre, may I introduce you to Queen Daenerys' newest advisor?" you asked her as sweetly as you could, only for her to let out a huff of air and to make a swift exit. "She is rather bitter, Dany doesn't want her on the council at Lord Snow's request, and she's been moping around ever since," you murmured, leaning forward so that he would hear you across the table.

"Why doesn't he want her on the council?" he asked softly, turning back to face you, his eyes never straying from your face as your smile faded.

You took a deep breath, sitting back up straight, "I'd rather not speak about it," you told him, allowing your eyes to drift back to the map in front of you.

"It must have been pretty bad to elicit such a response." You glanced back up at him, the frown on your lips deepening.

You shrugged, "it was unforgivable," you grumbled, "and it goes against everything our Queen stands for." He remained silent, watching you with such intensity that you shifted in your seat for a moment before releasing a deep sigh. "I still don't know if she believed it would work, but she led Stannis Baratheon astray with her talks of the gods," you paused for a moment, taking a shaking breath, "she led him to believe that in order to win the War of Five Kings he would need to give a sacrifice, one with the blood of the one true King." The air around you seemed thicker as you shook your head, forcing another shaking breath into your lungs. "His daughter was the only option and they burned her alive. She was just a child." You were shaking when you fell quiet, tears running down your cheeks. A few seconds later you were on your feet, "excuse me, I have to go," you told him, wiping at the tears that dared escape and making your way out of the room as quickly as possible.

You hadn't seen Varys for a while after that, too embarrassed by your outburst to seek him out in any way, but it seemed he had other plans in mind. "Y/N," Dany spoke softly, as you walked towards one another down one of the long corridors in Dragonstone, "it seems you made quite the impression with Lord Varys," she continued, letting out a small bubble of laughter when your eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"And why would that be, your Grace?" you asked her, your cheeks heating up slightly as you watched her smile sweetly at you.

"He has been rather busy asking after you," she chuckled, "he has taken quite a shine to you."

You let out a choked laugh as you considered this new revelation, shifting awkwardly as you bit down on the inside of your cheek. "I thought it would be quite the opposite," you told her, giving a short nod as you continued to think.

"You ought to let him know that you are well, he seemed rather worried about you," she added, patting your shoulder slightly as she passed you, and making her way back to her chambers. You spent the next few moments standing completely still in the hallway, thinking about quite how you could speak to Varys without bringing up your earlier conversation.

*Time Skip*

You were sitting in the library when Varys made his entrance, smiling at you as he made his way to one of the tables on the other side of the room. You smiled back, allowing the room to remain quiet as you attempted to return to your work, but it seemed that the silence had become your enemy, stopping your mind from working properly. "Lord Varys," you spoke suddenly, shifting in your seat to face him fully, and watching as he regarded you, his eyebrows lifted as though asking you to continue. "I wanted to apologise for my outburst the other day, I am not usually so emotionally inclined."

"There is no need to apologise, My Dear, I should not have pushed you on the matter when you clearly did not want to speak about it," he told you with a small. "May I join you?" he asked, gesturing at your table, and you nodded your agreement.

Varys was quick to cross the room, sitting opposite you with a smile. "I do hope that we can be friends," you started quietly, "it is not often that people are willing to see me for anything more than a witch."

"In King's Landing I was known for being a unich and not much else," he uttered lightly, "it can be tough when people see such a small part of who you are."

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Game of Thrones - One Shots/Imagines: Part Two (Completed)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara