Podrick Payne X Reader - Underneath The Tree

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A/N - This Christmas themed chapter is based on the song 'Underneath The Tree' by Kelly Clarkson. I hope you all enjoy it.

Up until very recently, you had always hated Christmas. Everything about it had seemed superficial and grotesquely built up into something so sickeningly sweet that you lacked any enthusiasm for the holiday. The tree, decorated with gaudy baubles, looked hideous. The smiles that people were sending in each others directions, followed by festive well-wishing, seemed so forced that it left you uncomfortable. You supposed, spending Christmas alone had probably seemed rather sad to most people. Whenever you mentioned your lack of excitement for the holiday it was usually met with a frown. But it's such a wonderful time of year. You just haven't celebrated it properly. Comment after comment would be thrown at you by well-meaning strangers, attempting to cure your bah-humbug nature. And Gods, how you wished they had been wrong.

You had met Podrick for the first time in the summer, and by pure luck, the idea of Christmas hadn't been brought up until late autumn. You'd gotten a good few months into your relationship before having to break the news that you hated celebrating the holiday. You'd expected disappointment of some sort. After all, Pod was a self-proclaimed lover of all things festive. But he'd simply smiled and nodded. 

"I'm serious," you had told him, your brow furrowed as he let out a light chuckle. "It's a terrible attempt at forced happiness and I refuse to enjoy it."

"Okay," he had answered, leaning in to kiss you softly on the lips. "But," he continued, causing you to sigh as he pulled away from you, his hand lingering in yours. "You should let me try to change your mind." 

"Pod-" you were almost whining already, frowning at him as he grinned back at you.

"All I'm asking for is one day," he murmured, his fingers playing with yours, giving them a light squeeze. "If you still don't like it after that, then you won't have to join in next year."

You narrowed your eyes, searching for any hint of a lie in his own, and then gave a sharp nod. "Fine. But you'd better do a brilliant job; I'm not easy to please," you uttered, watching as he chuckled, shifting closer to you and kissing you again.

As he pulled away, he continued to smile, his fingers coming up to brush against your jawline. "I beg to differ," he started softly, pausing as you shook your head slightly. "You seem pretty pleased right now," he added, nudging your nose with his own and leaving you laughing in his grasp.

*Time Skip*

The morning of Christmas, you woke to an otherwise empty bed. A groan escaped you as you realised that Pod would be off getting the day's festivities ready for you. You wanted to enjoy it, truly you did, but the holiday had always left you feeling so sour, you couldn't imagine one day changing that for you.

You stretched, burrowing further into the covers and hoping that if you stayed here for long enough, Pod may just let you stay in bed.

No such luck. The door of your chamber creaked open, and you heard the distinct pad of Pod's feet against the stone floor, headed in your direction. 

"Y/N?" You ignored him, remaining as still as you could manage as you felt his hand come to rest on your arm, the warmth radiating through the covers. "Are you awake?" 

You sighed sightly, wondering quiet how you had allowed him to trick you into this. "No," you uttered, hearing him chuckle from outside of your blanket shelter.

"Are you getting up?" he continued, and you shook your head, causing him to laugh again, his hands shifting to poke you in the hip. "Come on, little miss 'I-hate-Christmas. Come have breakfast with me."

You grumbled slightly. "I don't want to," you murmured, feeling the covers lift to reveal his smiling face. 

"A deal's a deal, Angel. Don't make me come in there," he muttered, leaning forward to press a kiss to your lips. 

You hummed as he pulled away again, pouting out at him. "I'm not making you do anything."

A moment later, Pod was under the covers, his fingers tickling at you and leaving you in peels of laughter, gasping for air. "You have to get up," he cried out, as you shook with laughter, flailing under him. "You need to come and have breakfast," he continued, now chuckling along with you.

"Okay," you yelped, capturing one of his hands in yours and causing him to still. "Okay, I'll get up."

Pod was grinning down at you, leaning in to kiss you once more before climbing off of the bed. "Perfect," he uttered as he moved towards the door. "You'd better be quick or the food'll be cold."

*Time Skip*

As much as you hated to admit it, breakfast had been wonderful. Pod had set on a proper feast, with all of your favourites included, and you'd spent the entire time just talking about whatever came to mind. It was lovely.

But now, he was leading you over to the Christmas tree, and your smile disappeared as you glanced at the presents. "Pod," you started softly, causing him to glance up at you, his own grin fading when he saw your solemn expression. "I didn't get you anything," you added.

Pod shrugged slightly, pulling you close to him and wrapping his arms around you. "I didn't want anything," he told you, pressing his lips to the top of your head in a gentle gesture. "Besides, you're the best present I've ever had," he murmured, causing you to snort as he glanced down at you.

"That was so cheesy," you uttered, leaning in to press your lips to his. 

You stayed in his embrace for a few more minutes, simply enjoying one another's company. "Do you want to open your gifts?" Pod asked, his hand running lightly up your spine.

"Not particularly." Pod looked a little confused, his brow furrowing as he smiled down at you.

"I promise you'll like them," he pressed, and you nodded.

"I'm sure I will," you told him with a little shrug. "It just doesn't feel right opening them when I didn't get you anything."

Pod smiled, his hand coming to cup your cheek lightly. "I don't mind, sweetness. If it really bothers you then you can get me double presents next year," he uttered, causing you to let out a surprised chuckle. 

"Fine," you started, pulling away from him and moving to sit in front of the tree. "Which one am I opening first?" you asked, glancing up at him with a smile. 

For a moment, Pod stood in silence, staring at you. He knew that you were trying your hardest to enjoy the day, even though you usually wouldn't have, and it meant the world to him. He came to sit beside you, his arm wrapping around your shoulders and pulling you close. "Whichever one you'd like," he uttered, pressing a kiss to the side of your head as you reached for the gift closest to you.

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