Sandor Clegane X Reader - Always Been The End Of The World.

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A/N- This imagine is based on the lyrics to the song 'Always Been The End of The World' by Patrick Droney. His whole EP is fantastic, but I thought this one fit the Game of Thrones universe the best. I hope you all enjoy it.

"We should leave the capital," Sandor had uttered one evening, his arms wrapped around you as you settled down on his chest, listening to the way his heart was beating so loudly in the otherwise silent bed chambers. "It ain't safe here, not with that bastard as King." 

You hummed slightly, shifting to look up at him. "It was hardly safe when his father was in charge," you told him, a small smile on your lips as you gazed up at him. 

"Not the same thing," he grumbled, moving to sit up, and pulling you with him so that he could keep you tight against his chest. "Joffrey ain't like his father."

"No, he's worse," you agreed, "but he has no reason to want to bring you harm, nor me."

Sandor's face scrunched up as he thought. "He doesn't need a reason. You've seen the way he treats the Stark girl."

"We have a life here, Sandor. I have friends in the Capital." You looked up at him once more, shifting back to cup his cheek in one of your palms. "Would it make you happy if we left?"

"Aye, it would." 

You took a deep breath, and then nodded, causing Sandor's brow to furrow. "Then we should go." Sandor looked so utterly confused that you fought to hold back the laughter that wanted to escape from your lips. "Where will we go?"

"I was thinking North." 

The smile that lit up your face left Sandor speechless. "The North is a big place, sweetness, you need to be a little more specific."

"Where do you want to go?"

You shrugged slightly, shifting to press a gentle kiss to his lips. "I don't care, as long as you're with me."

*Time Skip*

It hadn't taken either of you long to realise that life in the North was just as dangerous, if not more so, than staying in the capital. There was a war waging throughout the Seven Kingdoms, and there was no area left untouched by the chaos of it all.  

"Did we do the wrong thing?" You asked Sandor one evening, huddled into his side as you sat in front of the fire, your eyes never leaving the flames as he glanced down at you, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "Do you regret leaving King's Landing?" You paused for a moment, unable to handle the almost silent surroundings. "I mean, we had a life there, we were comfortable. We were happy."

"Were you?" Sandor shifted slightly, looking at you properly as you wrapped a blanket fully around yourself.

"Well, yeah. Of course I was," you released a deep sigh, "I was with you. And I never had to worry about whether we were going to be able to eat that night or not."

Sandor nodded, getting to his feet and pacing in front of the fire. "Do you regret leaving?"

You shrugged, pulling the blanket tighter around yourself to shield yourself from the cold. "Not really... Or I don't think I do. I miss the stuff that made life easy, but I don't regret coming here with you."

Sandor's face softened slightly as you got to your feet, moving to wrap the blanket around both of you and burrowing into his chest. "We'll be at Winterfell soon," he told you, his voice barely a whisper in your ear. "And then you'll have all of your home comforts back."

You chuckled as you allowed yourself to fully wrap your arms around his middle, feeling his hands pulling you even closer to him. 

*Time Skip*

By the time you had reached Winterfell, it had already been taken by the Bolton bastard, and word had reached you of the Stark girls marriage to him. If you could have, you would have stormed the castle yourself and taken the girl from his clutches before he could set his hands on her, but alas, Sandor was stronger than you were and had found it easy to steer you away from your attack. 

He had managed to get you as far away from Winterfell as he could, before giving in and allowing you to land back on your feet. Your face was so lost that it left his heart in pain to see it. 

"What do we do now?" you asked him softly, "where else can we go?"

Sandor couldn't answer, any and all words finding a way to remain stuck in his throat as he attempted to force them out. "I don't know."

"We can't just abandon her there," you continued. "You've heard the rumours as much as I have... he'll kill her." You pressed your eyes shut at the idea, your hands rubbing at your face as though they wanted to scrub the thought out of you. "She's just a kid, Sandor."

"I know, Angel." Sandor reached out, pulling you close to his chest and pressing his face into your hair, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "She has a half brother, in the Night's Watch." He felt your grip tighten on the front of his tunic and leant into you slightly. "We'll go to him."

You pulled back slightly, glancing up at him. "What can he do? He is one of the brothers now, he can't just leave."

"Trust me; Jon will help."

You nodded as you separated from your husband. "I've always trusted you." 

*Time Skip*

Sandor had been right, Jon had marched on Winterfell with an army of Wildling's and he had won. But now, there was something even bigger on the horizon. According to the new King in the North, the dead were marching for the wall, with the intention of killing everything and everyone in their path. 

For once, you wished that the world would give you a break. You were bone-tired, and you had sores on your feet that hadn't stopped aching since you had first passed the Twins. You could tell that Sandor was becoming as worn down as you were, though he would never say it. His shoulders were more hunched than usual, and he had gotten to a point where he was more shuffling along than walking. You both needed a rest, and it didn't seem likely that you were going to be receiving one any time soon.

"Sweetness?" You had woken to the sound of Sandor's shuffling, his feet dragging along the floor and scuffing against the stone. "What are you doing up?"

Sandor stilled, glancing over at you, huddled beneath the covers and half asleep. "Nothing," he uttered softly, coming over to you and climbing back into bed. His arm wrapped around your waist and you let out a content sigh, burrowing closer to him. "Was just thinking."

"About what?" The silence stretched for a few moments, and you pulled back a little, looking up at your husband. "Hey, what's going on?"

"Was just wondering why we never seem to be able to catch a break," he hummed softly, pulling you back into his side. 

You nodded against him. "Yeah?" 


"Well, we've gotten through it all before, haven't we?" You allowed your fingers to link with Sandor's, squeezing them lightly and bringing them up to your lips, planting a soft kiss on each. 

You felt Sandor nod, his free hand coming to run gently over your back. "Yeah, we have."

"Then who's to say we won't get through it this time?"

Sandor snorted slightly and kissed the top of your head. "Seven hells, woman. How are you always so positive?"

"I believe the gods have good things in store for me," you murmured, pressing a final kiss to your husbands scarred knuckles, "after all, they gave me you."

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