Targaryen!Reader x Robb Stark (Britannia138's request)

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This imagine was written for Britannia138.

You had been hidden away, deep in the north, for as long as you could remember. Wishing that soon enough your older brother and sister would return to Westeros and come to find you. Hoping that eventually your family would take back the throne from the Baratheons and the Lannisters. It had been lucky that you had run so hot, being in the north had been less of a challenge for you as it had been for some of those who helped care for you.

"Come inside, Y/N," one of the guards called to you, gesturing for you to follow him back into the house you had been inhabiting for the majority of your life. You shook your head, continuing to run your fingers through the snow and watching as it melted on contact.

"It's too cramped inside," you answered him softly, turning and smiling at him over your shoulders, "and it is so vast out here. Why would you ever want to go inside?"

He let out a deep sigh, "It's fucking freezing, just come inside," he grumbled and your smile fell from your lips.

"Don't push your luck, Jameson, I am still a princess, and at very least a lady, and you ought to remember that," you told him, allowing your body to slump down into the snow and feeling it cool your skin slightly. The guard continued to stare at you in disbelief but said nothing as you closed your eyes and fell backwards, deeper into the snow, allowing it to tangle into your white hair.

"Princess, it is not safe out here, not when we are so close to Winterfell, if they discover that you are here we will all be killed." Your eyes shot open at his words, and you quickly sat up to look at him.

"I thought you said that the Starks were at war with the Lannisters now," you murmured, shifting to get to your feet and following the trench-like path you had created back to his side.

"They are, but they were at war with your family too and they are still loyal to the Baratheon family." You ran your tongue over your teeth, thinking to yourself.

"Perhaps I should introduce myself to the Stark boy," you muttered, and the look on Jameson's face was something to behold.

"You have to be joking," he groaned and you shook your head as you chuckled.

"If he is as young as people say he is he will be much more easy to sway with a pretty face than his father would have been," you told him softly, "and I am by far the prettiest face the boy will have ever seen."

*Time Skip*

The men in Robb's camp knew who you were before you had even opened your mouth to announce yourself, the white hair and violet eyes were easy to recognise, it seemed, and people had been searching for you for years. You could hear them muttering to one another, their voices low and confused as they kept their eyes fixed on you. You scowled for a moment, any one of these men could turn nasty as quick as anything, but you forced your face to smooth out and gave a small smile to one of the closest men, your guards close at your side as you moved closer to him. "Where would I be able to find Lord Stark?" His eyes were wide as he stared at you, and you heard the murmuring grow louder as you attempted to keep the smile on your lips. "I've been travelling for a long time to be able to request a meeting with him," you added and the man nodded as he lifted an arm to point you in the direction of where a group of guards were huddled, standing outside of a large white tent.

You smiled your thanks before beginning to move in the direction of the tent, making it almost completely to the entrance before a mess of spit hit you in the side of the face. You faux smile fell from your lips at the gesture, spinning to face the man who had spat on you with a glare so sharp that would have given a lemon a run for it's money. "You Targaryens are disgusting animals," he growled at you and you felt a bubble of laughter run through you as you continued to stare at him.

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