Reader X Tyrion Lannister - As Yet Untitled

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You continued to stab the needle through the material in your hands, watching as it bunched and pulled, and growing more and more frustrated by the minute. You cursed your parents for never having your Septa teach you to embroider when you were young, you cursed yourself for never being able to pick up the damned task as most other ladies did, you cursed your husband for allowing his sister to drag you along to the stupid sewing sessions the other ladies of the court went to. It was a tedious task, and one that never seemed to make sense to you, you could never work out how to make the lines straight and even, but here you were for the third time that week, sticking the needle through the damned circle of white linen and wishing the time was over.

"You're getting better, My Lady," one of the younger girls smiled at you as she spoke, gesturing at the mess of thread in front of you. You let out a snort of laughter as your eyes drifted to her immaculate piece, there was no mistaking the little rose that sat in the centre, nor the vines that ran around the edges.

"Thank you," you murmured, stabbing the needle through once more and feeling it prick your finger. "Damn it," you hissed under your breath, bringing the bloody digit to your lips and sucking away the blood.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" your sister-by-law asked, smiling down at you from her seat at the front of the room, one of her perfect eyebrows raised in question. Your decision to marry into the royal family had been somewhat overshadowed by your love for Tyrion, but you had quickly grown tired of how cruel the siblings could be to one another.

"I'm fine, Your Grace, the needle just got away from me," you told her, rubbing the last of the blood on the skirt of your dress and hoping that it wouldn't show. It was a pain to get a blood stain out of anything, especially something as heavy as the dress you were wearing. You had decided, upon moving to the capital, that you would attempt to become more Ladylike in your actions, hoping that you would be able to blend into the background and go unbothered through life. But nothing was ever as easy as you hoped and you had quickly been whisked into the drama of the other ladies around you.

Cersei nodded her head at your answer, going back to her work with a smirk on her lips. You wanted to strangle her. She had always been so cruel to Tyrion, making little comments to bring him as much harm as possible, and by association she had made it her duty to bring you misery in the capital. You sighed as you went back to your work, a frown on your lips as each line of thread became more and more crooked. "Here," the girl muttered, shuffling a little bit closer to you, "like this," she added, and you watched as her fingers worked.

"Thank you, but I believe this is a lost cause now," you told her, gesturing to your circle of maimed material.

"I don't think it's that bad," she told you softly, turning her head slightly as she looked at your work and causing you to laugh.

"You don't have to be so polite, not with me," you chuckled, going back to creating as straight a line as you could on you work. "I've never enjoyed working with a needle and thread," you added and she smiled at you softly.

"You're Lord Tyrion's wife aren't you?" she asked quietly and you nodded your head at her.

"I am, and you are Sansa Stark, nothing much goes amiss in this city," you answered, glancing at her out the side of your eye. "So," you started again, "you are the girl who is to marry my nephew, lucky girl," you continued and she nodded, her eyes landing on the floor between you.

"Yes, My Lady." You sighed as you placed your work down on the table in front of you, getting to your feet and giving the girl a small pat on the knee.

"Feel free to come to me if you ever need anything," you told the girl quietly, a genuine smile on your lips as you glanced down at her. "Your Grace, would it be alright if I retired to my chambers, I'm rather tired," your sister-by-law nodded her agreement and no sooner had she looked back to her work you were outside the door and on your way back to your chambers with a skip in your step.

Game of Thrones - One Shots/Imagines: Part Two (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now