Theon Greyjoy X Stark!Reader - Unconditionally

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A/N- This imagine is based on the song 'unconditionally' by Katy Perry. There is a very high chance that I've used this song for inspiration before, but let's all just pretend like I haven't. Sorry it's a little short. I hope you all enjoy it.

I love you. You had told Theon those three words so many times. Repeated on a loop in the hopes that someday he would come to believe them. It wasn't that Theon didn't love you, too. He did, more than life itself, but he was still the scared little boy that had come to Winterfell, lost and alone, and he was still so terrified that soon enough you would recognise him for what he was and walk away. A broken man. A traitor's son. An unlovable creature.

Of course, you had never seen him that way, though he would never believe you. To you he had always been the handsome boy. The funny one that cheered you up when you were down. The only man worth loving in a world full of doom and gloom. And you did love him, with every fibre of your being. 

You would tell him as much on a regular basis. When you were lounging in his bed, huddled into his side, you would utter it quietly, trying not to break the silence. When you were sitting in the training yard, watching him fight with your brother, you would call it out to him, just loudly enough that both men would hear you. And when you were dancing with him at the King's feast, you had told him firmly that you adored him in every way possible, though he claimed that you had been encouraged by the wine. In fact, you had never tried to hide your love from him, or anyone else for that matter. You were proud to be at his side, and you wanted everyone to know as much.

Soon enough, his dismissal of your feelings for him had begun to sting. He had claimed that it was impossible to love him, and you had fallen silent, unable to continue putting up a fight. 

"I'm tired," you uttered back, shaking your head, "there are only so many times I can remind you of my affection, Theon." He looked a little confused at your words, shifting in the bed to look down at you properly. "And so, I will tell you one last time. I love you, and that will not be changing any time soon."


You shook your head, still leaning firmly into his chest. "I love you, and nothing you say will change my mind on that matter, so please stop trying to convince me otherwise." 

Theon nodded, shoulders relaxing back down into his pillow. "I just..." Theon paused, eyes pressed tightly closed as he shook his head slightly. "I don't understand it."

"No one understands love-" you murmured softly, shifting to sit up and looking down at him, "-It's a feeling. But i can tell you without a semblance of a doubt, that I feel it for you."

You watched as Theon's lips turned up into a smile, his eyes still closed. "Thank you," he started, his voice low and soft, "i love you too."

A small chuckle escaped you as you leant in and pressed a kiss to his lips. His arms quickly came up to wrap around you, pulling you down on top of him as he deepened the kiss.

"I love you so much," he murmured against your lips, his smile fixed in place. "So fucking much," he grumbled again, his hands squeezing at your sides and causing another laugh to bubble out of you. 

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