Theon Greyjoy X Reader - Do They Know It's Christmas?

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A/N - This Christmassy imagine is based on the song 'Do They Know It's Christmas?' by Band Aid (the 2004 edition). It's one of my favourite holiday songs, and I found an idea coming to me when I heard it this week. I hope you all enjoy it.

You and Theon had the same debate every time the holidays rolled around. Each year, you insisted on spending a day helping the most vulnerable people in your society. You'd visit an orphanage or a shelter with as much food as you could muster up, and spend the time bringing as much joy as possible to otherwise joyless places. You loved doing it, feeling as though you had done at least one nice thing, and brightened up at least one person's Christmas. 

And every year, Theon told you that he didn't understand your reasoning. He had never gone with you, had straight up refused to even consider it, even when you had come close to begging. 

"These people have nothing to look forward to," you would tell him, attempting to at least convince him that you were doing something good with your time. "They spend the whole year living on whatever scraps people will throw them, and then whilst we sit drinking and being merry, they have nothing." You would pause for a moment, thinking you might have gotten through to him.

And then he would sigh, and say something completely idiotic, like: "Well, I didn't make them poor," and you would groan at his inability to show an ounce of basic human decency. 

"If it were the other way round, you wouldn't feel that way," you had told him, your resolve finally breaking this year as you grew tired of his ignorance. "If you were homeless and starving and alone, and someone could help you, even if it was only for one day, wouldn't you want them to?"

"Well, yeah," he started, face scrunched up in confusion. "But-"

"No 'buts', Theon," you cried out, silencing him immediately. "We are capable of giving these people a day where they aren't hungry, or alone. A day where they can feel completely normal. And I, for one, plan on doing that for them, like I do every year." You paused for a moment, taking a deep breath to calm yourself. "And, this year, I would like you to join me, because I don't think you fully understand how these people are living. You are living in ignorance of the poverty in our city, and it's wrong." 

Theon nodded slightly, his tongue running over his teeth as you fell silent. You had never spoken to him like this before, with such utter passion and disappointment in your voice. "Okay," he told you softly. "I'll do it."

"Good," you told him, attempting to keep yourself from smiling. "Thank you," you added, straightening up slightly as he continued to frown.

The next day, you had walked down into town, gripping your husband's hand. You had been almost certain that he wouldn't keep his promise to come with you, but here he was, a cart full of food and gifts being led behind you by a horse. 

You pulled him to a stop outside of the orphanage, smiling as the door was thrown open and a little girl came running out, headed straight for you. Theon looked rather startled as you dropped his hand to lift her up, hugging her tightly.

"Y/N! You came," the little girl exclaimed, wriggling back to the ground and taking your hand to drag you towards the door. You were quick to stop her, pulling her back to you and kneeling to get on her level.

"This is my husband, Theon," you told her softly, grinning as she glanced past you at him. "He's never been here before. Would you like to show him around?" The girl nodded enthusiastically, hurrying over to take Theon's hand and pulling him towards the door.

He looked terrified when you didn't immediately follow him, now surrounded by children, and you simply chuckled when you saw just how out of his depth he was in this new environment.

"Y/N," an older woman started as she walked outside, coming to give you a quick hug. "The children have been so excited to see you," she continued, following you over to the cart and taking the first sack of food. You copied her, helping to carry it inside with a smile.

"Well, I'm always excited to see them, " you started, grinning when you caught sight of Theon, sitting cross-legged on the ground, a toddler balanced awkwardly in his lap as the other children yelled to be heard over one another.

The old woman chuckled, coming to stand beside you and watching with you. "I see you finally made him see sense," she chortled, and you glanced at her with a smile.

"He needed a little strong arming, but I think he may become a regular visitor," you told her. "It's hard not to once you meet everyone."

A few hours later, Theon finally made his way back to you, the same toddler in his arms, hugging him tightly. "This little fella's a real cutie," he told you, nudging the boy's cheek with one of his knuckles. "I don't understand how anyone could leave him in a place like this."

You shrugged slightly. "Believe it or not, this place is probably better than where he would have been if his parents were still around," you uttered softly. "Some of these kids have been through far worse than you and I could ever imagine. The women who work here have told me all sorts of horror stories, Theon. It's terrible."

You felt his free hand come to rub at your back slightly, a gentle motion that you weren't quite used to. "I want to do more to help them," he murmured. "We could make it a more regular thing," he added, glancing around, "come down here once a week with food, give them some more money to fix the place up."

A small smile pulled at your lips, and you quickly leant in to kiss him. "I think that would be a wonderful idea," you uttered, lifting a hand to touch his cheek lightly. "Thank you for coming with me," you added, watching as he smiled.

"Thank you for persuading me to come."

"Y/N, come and play," one of the boys yelled from the other room, grinning over at you. 

"Just a second," you called back, giving Theon another kiss, and grinning up at him. "I love you," you told him softly, watching as he smiled down at you.

"Do you love me too, Y/N," the boy started, running into the room and taking your hand in his.

You chuckled as you moved away from Theon. "Of course I do," you told the boy, smiling as you he led you towards the other room.

"Don't go stealing my wife," Theon called after you both, causing you to burst into a fit of laughter as the boy grinned back at your husband.

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