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Peter had so much work to catch up on, but the work itself was easy for him due to his smarts. He laid in his bed for hours just doing homework and listening to relaxing music. It was nice to have something else to occupy his mind on. He wasn't thinking about aunt May or Spider-Man when he did his work.

Then the AI interrupted, "Peter, Mr. Stark requested for you to come down for dinner."

"Tell him I'm not hungry," Peter replied. He looked at the clock on the nightstand that read 6:34.

"He said it was mandatory."

Peter groaned and rolled off the bed. He was still wearing his fuzzy pajama pants and baggy t-shirt. He was comfy and too lazy to change, so he went to the kitchen just like that.

"Look who's alive," Tony said once he entered. Peter gave a small wave. "Everyone," Tony was standing next to Peter now, "this is the famous Peter Parker."

"Nice pj's," Clint noticed and gave an innocent chuckle. He then held his hand out to Peter and the boy took it, "I'm Clint, nice to finally meet you." Peter was excited he was actually meeting all the Avengers face to face right now, but he tried his best to keep his cool.

One by one he met and loved everyone. He didn't say much to them though. Except Thor, he and Thor had a long conversation. Actually it was more of Peter blabbering and Thor laughing than a conversation.

When the kid behind Spider-Man finished getting introduced to everyone, he sat down at the table where everyone else was settling down at.

"Full house tonight," Steve said noticing all the Avengers sitting down. "Hope you made enough Vision."

"Oh I think I did," Vision calmly replied. Wanda levitated all the food out to the table and it seemed never ending. Thor's eyes widened so big, Peter thought they might've popped out of his head.

Peter was sandwiched between Bruce and Steve and sat straight across from Tony. They were the ones that were trying to get Peter to eat, but as down low as possible so he wouldn't react badly if he knew.

Sam was the first one to put food on his plate, you could practically hear his stomach growl. Then the rest of the team dove in. Peter put some salad and fries down on his plate so people saw him put at least something there. But he put very minimal so it seemed like he ate already.

Steve went to turn down the volume of the TV in the other room so it wouldn't disrupt the amazing dinner they were all having. The TV was always on and always turned to the news, just in case. Peter had a pretty good view of it from where he sat. Steve returned to his seat and began eating.

Everyone was eating and laughing. They were all enjoying each other which Peter liked. He loved listening to their conversations, how all of their very odd stories all made sense to one another.

Peter didn't even look at his plate of food after he put the content on it. He didn't feel hungry, but of course the three around him took notice.

Sam started a little argument about what movie is the best and it brought up strong opinions from everyone. That's when Tony talked to Peter, "Hey kid you gonna eat that?"

"Oh no, I'm full. You can have it," Peter replied thinking that Tony wanted a little extra fries to eat.

"Not what I meant," Tony said pointing a finger. "I mean you should..."

Peter didn't pay attention to what his next words were. He was looking passed Tony and at the TV screen. The headline caught his attention: "May Parker's Death Not An Accident, But A Murder."

Thank goodness the subtitles were on, so while Tony spoke to him, he just read what the TV said.

It read: "Police investigators working on May Parker's car accident case came across a vital piece of evidence proving that the accident wasn't an accident, but a planned murder. The suspect has been identified as Louis Bass. He is a wanted criminal in several areas, so if any you have any information about him contact the authorities." A sketch of Louis showed up on the screen and Peter's insides twisted. "He was last seen roaming multiple allies in Queens-"

Tony was waving a hand in front of Peter which snapped him out of his trance, "are you even listening to me?" Peter looked around to find everyone looking at him.

Peter got up quickly, knocking his chair over and sprinted to his room. He took his clothes off on his way to his room and once he reached the duffle bag under his bed, he put his suit on shakily.


It just goes down hill from here LOL IM SORRY

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