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"NAT! Natnatnatnatnat!" Peter exclaimed when he stepped out the elevator and saw her.

"Hey Peter," she greeted while turning to see him in his Spider-Man suit, mask in hand. He was sweaty and messy curls were all over. "How was your first patrol back."

"So cool. I missed it. I mean I don't miss that people are in danger but I miss being Spider-Man," he smiled while jumping to sit next to her on the couch.

"What world-ending crimes did you stop today," she smirked at how excited and happy he was.

"I stopped 6 bank robberies. I think that's my record for one day of patrolling. This one guy almost shot someone else but I webbed his feet up so now he's dangling from a light post. I got another churro too."

It's been a week since Tony's event. He had to leave yesterday for a meeting about it. Peter begged him to start letting him go out as Spider-Man. He even made a PowerPoint on why he should let him, like what little kids do when they want something.

Tony was definitely hesitant about it, but he eventually gave in. Nat also supported Peter's side and said she would be there if something bad did happen.

"I bet New York's happy to have you back huh?" Nat replied.

"I guess. Some people still don't like me," he shrugged. "Hey where's everyone else?" Peter noticed it was only Nat in the living room.

"They're all training," she answered.

"Why aren't you?"

"I already went this morning. We're in charge of dinner tonight, what do you want to eat?"

"Wait wait wait. It's not our night," Peter knew for a fact that it wasn't their turn for dinner.

"It's supposed to be Tony but he's not here so they picked the next Stark available. So actually it's your night but I'm just nice," Natasha informed.

"Not cool," Peter shook his head, clearly trying to think of something. "Ok how about we go down to the training room and do last one standing. Who ever wins picks who does dinner."

"That's a good idea. I'll get my gear on meet me down there. If either of us win, pick Clint. He's oddly good at cooking and he always finds a way to get out of it," Nat said.

"Deal," Peter held out his and Natasha shook it.


Last one standing was a game Peter made up to get out of stuff he didn't want to do. Like being in charge of dinner. But it was actually great for training. Everyone got one rope. The goal was to tie up as many people as you could and avoid being tied up yourself.

Peter was kind of sad Tony wasn't here to play because they'd team up to get Steve all the time. But now he had Nat on his side so he could deal.

The game begun and it was intense. No one liked being in charge of dinner.

It was Peter, Natasha, Sam, Steve, Bucky, Scott, and Clint. Thor wasn't there and Bruce didn't even want to try. Wanda and Vision had a date night or something, Peter didn't know for sure.

The first one out was Bucky. Clint and Scott teamed up to get him while Steve was trying to get Sam. Sam was next because Steve was finally able to grab a hold of him. Then Nat and Peter got Scott. But then Steve came up behind Peter.

Peter jumped and stuck to the ceiling while webbing Steve's feet to the ground. Clint shot an arrow to get the webs off of Steve and after he succeeded, he was faced with Nat running towards him.

They began to fight and Peter jumped down to help with Clint, forgetting about Steve. That wasn't smart though because Steve caught him by surprise and won the small battle. Peter was now tied up and out of the game.

Natasha was so caught up in winning against Clint, she didn't even notice Steve. Steve ended up tying up Nat and Clint together with one rope.

"Winner winner chicken dinner," Scott said and Clint laughed.

"Who you picking Steve?" Sam asked trying to sit upright.

Everyone was crossing their fingers, hoping it wasn't them.

"Hmmm," Steve took his time and looked around the room "I pick... Clint."

"YES!" Peter yelled. "Good choice captain sir," he smiled and gave Nat a thumbs up.

"What?! come on Steve," Clint faked a sniffle.

"You always get out of dinner duty you deserve it. Now make something good," Steve said while untying him.

That night they ate home cooked spaghetti and meatballs and it was delicious. Peter was acting like his actual self too that night. Nat finally got to see the boy's actual personality she knew he had. She knew from when she first met him that'd she want to protect and care for that amazing kid. Or at least whenever Tony couldn't.

He was a special and somehow all the Avengers had a soft spot for him even if they didn't want to admit it. It was nice to see him this happy.


Short chapter ik but the next one is going to be angsty

Edit: sorry I had to fix a spelling mistake

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