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It's been a long week of planning, studying, and stalking. Peter's been pulling all nighters without Tony's knowledge, or so he thought. He seemed too busy to even eat at times. Taking bites of food when Nat made him.

He's been researching with Tony, Steve, Bruce, Nat, Bucky, Clint, and Sam about details with Toomes and Louis's escape. They tracked transactions of weapons and followed cars. Tony practically threatening Peter to stay in the shadows for now for his safety.

And today was the day they were going to get them. They knew almost everything now, like where they were camping out. Which was in some other old, dirty abandoned building. Tony found that they both had the same motive of trying to recreate Spider-Man's powers for people that would be in their control.

"Alright everyone got it?" Steve asked after him and Tony finished explaining the plan.

Everyone nodded. Even Peter. Tony pulled him aside.

"I told you that you're not going," he looked down at him.

"Dad I need to help. All of this is my fault anywa-" Peter was cut off.

"It's not your fault," he put a hand on Peter's shoulder. Peter's been calling him dad more and more now and every time he said it it made Tony's heart (yes Tony Stark's heart) happy, although he never admitted it out loud. "It's dangerous for you."

"I can deal with a little danger," Peter said with a confident grin played on his face while he nudged Tony a bit.

But Tony didn't budge. He wanted, no needed, Peter to be safe. So much has happened to him because of those two men and Tony couldn't stand the thought of anyone even trying to hurt Peter again.

"No Peter. Stay home, I mean it," Tony concluded. He didn't even give Peter a chance to respond because he went back to the group.

"Let's go," Ironman said and they all made their way out of the tower.

Peter's frustration was visible on his face with a pout. He watched them all leave and was so tempted to just grab his suit and follow along. He had to help them, this was his problem anyways.

"Hey I'll be down in the lab if you need anything," Bruce told Peter. Peter just nodded as Bruce left him. He was the last one left in the room now.

Maybe he could just be backup if the plan was going south or something. Yeah that's a good idea.

Peter ran to his room and stumbled into the closet. He found where his suit was neatly hung and started to strip. Soon enough his suit was fit tightly to his shape.

He knew exactly where the building was and began to swing. He was as secretive as possible, knowing that if Tony saw him he would be dead within seconds.

Once he reached his destination, he crouched on the roof of a building next to the target. All his teammates were already there, Bucky was beginning to start with the plan. He kicked down the door while Tony rapidly shot somewhat small metal balls into the building.

Seconds later you could hear the small bang they made when they expanded and broke to release the suffocating smoke. Shortly after the clouds filled the room and people came out coughing.

Peter was searching over every person he could see. His heart pounding thinking one of them was either Toomes or Louis. Way more people spilled out of the building then Peter thought there would be. All of them had high tech guns and vests on.

They all began firing. Lights, lasers, bullets, arrows, and fists were all shooting everywhere. And once Peter saw Louis tumble out of the room, webs joined in.

He shot a web at Louis's gun and ripped it out of his grip. He had so much rage he wanted to take out on him. Louis turned and smirked when he saw the spider. Peter began with webbing his feet stuck to the ground.

"LOOK WHO JOINED," Sam yelled out while seeing Peter web his enemy.

That was Tony's cue, "YOU'RE IN REAL DEEP SHIT KID!"

Peter stopped in his tracks for a second and looked sideways but then his spidey senses went off and he ducked a laser.

Peter went up to Louis and looked him dead in the eyes. Then he punched him. He used most of his strength, holding a little back so he didn't kill him. He hated him but he could never kill. Louis fell back, his face already streaked with blood coming from his nose.

Now Louis's arms were webbed and restrained to the ground. Peter kept webbing him down, he was starting to look like a mummy.

Then Peter heard the wings above him, the horrible wings. He looked up and saw Toomes flying high and looking down at all the fighting.

Peter shot a web towards the Vulture, but it was instantly shot down with one of Tony's repulser blasts.

"Don't even think about it," Tony warned him. Ironman flew up and started firing away at Toomes as Peter watched. Soon Sam also joined in on taking the winged man down.

Peter watched but not for long because his spidey sense went off again. He was soon distracted with taking down three men with funky guns.

Tony could quickly find flaws in Toomes's Vulture wings. They were sloppily repaired which was bad if you were fighting one of the smartest people alive.

Ironman aimed and shot at certain parts of the Vulture's suit which sent him crashing down to the hard ground.

Pretty soon all the other Avengers finished taking out all the other men. That's when Tony gave Peter a 'get out of here look.'

Peter understood and slung back onto the roof, knowing that Tony knew where he was.

Spider-Man watched from afar as many vans pulled up to the scene and people began cuffing and taking away all the scattered men. Tony, Steve, and Nat were talking to someone as the others were helping take the bad guys into custody.

When they got to Louis, 5 people were trying to cut him out of the webs with pocket knives and scissors. That made Peter laugh a little.

The last person they took away was Toomes and Peter watched as the took him away. Tony shook a guy in a nice suit's hand and childishly waved as the last van drove off.

Then he stomped towards the roof.

Uh oh.


I'm so sorry it took so long to update

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