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"Sir," Friday's voice filled the lab.

Tony woke up from that, sucking in a large breath. "Yeahhhh?" he replied.

"A reminder that you have a meeting with Peter's principle in 30 minutes," Friday informed.

"30 minutes?!" Tony stood up and bent backwards to crack his back.

"Yes sir," Friday confirmed.

Peter was still sound asleep and Tony hated to disturb that, but they really needed to go to this meeting.

"PETER!" Tony yelled, knowing that he'd wake up from that. Peter jumped out of his seat, landing on the floor with a thud. "Get ready, you have ten minutes."

"Oh the meeting!" He exclaimed, remembering. He gathered the pillow and large blanket and booked it towards the elevator. He was almost completely in the lift, but then he tripped on the hanging fabric of his blanket

"I'm ok," he yelled out when he quickly stood back up. "No- Friday don't close- no my blanket! Open doors!" The elevator doors shut on his blanket then swiftly opened back up when he told them too. He picked up the blanket and gave an awkward 'see you soon' wave as the doors began closing again.

Tony just shook his head and continued on to get ready.

Peter quickly freshened up, put a sweatshirt and jeans on, and made his ruffled hair a little more presentable even though it still looked like a mess.

"Mr. Stark is waiting outside for you in his car," Friday told Peter as he was leaving his room.

"Ok thanks," Peter replied. When he made it outside, he saw Mr. Stark in the drivers seat of a seemingly new car. He pointed Peter to sit on the passengers side and so he did.

"Nice hair kid," Tony said while he began to drive.

Peter sighed, "I tried."

They didn't say anything else on the way there. The music was barely filling the silence but Peter honestly didn't mind the quiet. He didn't feel like talking, he was thinking to himself and looking out the window.

"Alright we're here," Tony said, snapping Peter out of his thoughts. It was Tuesday so school was in session today, but thankfully everyone was in class at this time. They made they're way through the halls to the principals office with Peter showing the way.

Once they reached the front desk, Peter got the woman's attention, "hey Mrs. Griffin."

The woman looked up at Peter with a big smile, "oh Peter! I'm so happy to see you again, you were gone for quite some time."

"Yeah that's why we're here," Peter pointed to Tony while he waved.

"Oh my god! You're Tony Stark! Oh my god!" She freaked out.

"That's me. Anyways we have meeting with the principle," Tony said.

"Yes of course, down the hall, second door to the left," Mrs. Griffin directed.

"Thanks," Tony said and began to walk.

"Good to see you again Mrs. Griffin," Peter said as he went to follow Tony.

"Good seeing you too Peter," she called after him.

Tony knocked on the door and let himself in before anyone could answer. Mr. Owen, the principle, looked up over his laptop and welcomed us with wide arms. "Mr. Stark, good morning," he greeted the famous man.

"Morning," Tony tipped his head and sat down in a seat in front of Mr. Owen's desk.

"And Mr. Parker. Or it's Mr. Parker-Stark now. Welcome back," Mr. Owen said to Peter.

Peter gave an awkward nod as he heard his new name. He then took a seat next to Tony.

"Peter, I understand your absence the past few weeks. I heard about your aunt's passing, I'm so sorry for your loss," Mr. Owen stated. Peter just nodded, not knowing how to reply to that. But also scared what his voice would sound like in that moment, he didn't want to embarrass anymore. He already felt embarrassed about his nightmare in front of Mr. Stark.

Tony glanced at him to see if he was ok with the topic of his aunt being brought up. He saw the kid nod and look down at the ground so he changed the subject. "He got a concussion too recently so the doctor told him to stay away from school for a little bit."

Peter was relieved Tony changed the subject. He wouldn't have been able to keep talking about May.

"I didn't know about that," Mr. Owen's face was sympathetic. "How'd that happen?"

"I uh... I fell. Tripped actually, hit my head on the sidewalk," it's all Peter could think up on the spot. He knew Tony was trying to hold back a laugh.

"It was really embarrassing for him. He did it in front of a lot of people," Tony added for the heck of it.

"Yup," Peter's lips thinned and he gave a sideways look to Tony, making sure he saw his expression. Except Tony didn't pay much attention to it.

"Sorry about that Peter, I'm glad you're recovering well," Mr. Owen smiled. "Mr. Stark if I could get the medical papers from you whenever possible I'll be able to excuse him from the assignments. He still might want a friend to help catch up though."

"Alright. Someone that works for me will send them to you soon."

"Perfect. When do you think he'll be able to start attending school again?" He asked, ignoring that Peter was also listening.

Tony then turned to Peter. "Your choice kid."

Peter looked at Tony then back at Mr. Owen, "Thursday's fine. I really don't want to miss anymore."

Tony wasn't expecting him to say something so soon. He was thinking maybe a week or so.

"Ok sounds good Peter. That should conclude our meeting. Nice to meet you Mr. Stark," Mr. Owen said and then gave Peter a goodbye nod.

The timing worked out perfectly because when the duo went back in the car, the bell rang to signal class was over. There were people he was not in the mood to run into.

"Thursday?" Tony questioned as they we both now settled in the car.

Peter shrugged, "Yeah I don't want to miss anymore. I'll be fine."

Tony still didn't agree. The kid just went through so much, he wasn't fine. But he knew Peter would fight back if Tony said no. Tony just grunted and said, "ok but if anything happens you know to call me."

"Yeah yeah," Peter replied quietly, looking out the window now.


Kinda just a  filler chapter but anyways I'm excited for ant man and the wasp :))))))))))))))))1!1!1!1!!!!1!2

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