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The next day Peter woke up feeling anxious. It was Sunday so the feeling wasn't from school. He tried ignoring it, but it was persistent throughout the day.

But when lunch time rolled around, he forgot about the off feeling nagging at him because of someone.

As Peter stepped into the kitchen he saw Tony by the counter, talking to Nat and Rhodey. "Tony!" He yelled and the taller man turned.

"Hey kid," Tony replied while receiving a hug from Peter. Tony was never fond of hugging but he's always enjoyed the ones Peter gave him. After they broke apart Tony asked, "how have you been doing while I was gone?"

Peter knew what he was referring to (his panic attacks, nightmares, and sensory overloads). Peter's had a few nightmares and maybe a small panic attack while Tony was gone, but it was nothing worth mentioning, "great! Patrolling was good, I got to use my upgraded web shooters. I blew out a circuit on my left one though I should probably fix that."

"How about we go fix them right now," Tony said. "Meet me in the lab with them and you can catch me up on what I missed."

"Ok sweet," Peter left the kitchen to get his web shooters. Tony finished the last few bites of his sandwich and left his plate on the counter, making Natasha roll eyes.

Tony was beat to the lab by Peter and was greeted with the sight of Peter standing on the ceiling.

"What are you doing up there?" Tony startled him.

Peter's head turned and he quickly detached from the ceiling, landing smoothly on the floor. "Oh uhmm it's fun," he had a dumb smile on his face.

Tony had a small smile Peter couldn't see and shook his head, "alright let's see those shooters."

They worked on them for about 30 minutes and Peter told Tony basically every single detail of what happened when he was gone. Tony didn't mind it though, he missed the kid.

But soon the two were interrupted when Steve came through the elevator. "Tony," he said, making both the boy's heads turn. Tony knew the look on his face. Something was wrong.

"Peter go find Vision and ask where my wrench is," Tony told Peter. He knew Steve didn't want Peter around when told him the trouble, and honestly Tony didn't want Peter around to hear it either. He wanted to keep him far away as possible from any problems.

"But there's a wrench right-" Peter was cut off.

"It's not the right one."

Peter looked between Steve and Tony, then made his way to the elevator. It was probably just Avengers top secret stuff.

Vision said he put the wrench in Tony's bedroom so Peter grabbed it from there. He began to get an uneasy feeling again, like this morning. But there was nothing around him or happening outside that was dangerous. He just tried to ignore it again as he stepped back in the elevator.

Sure as a loyal friend and fellow superhero, he shouldn't eavesdrop on potentially confidential conversations. But his teenage curiosity got the best of him. While riding down, he zoned his hearing in on the two men in the lab.

"You told me not to worry about it Steve! You said it was handled!" Tony was clearly furious.

"No one has ever escaped before. How was I supposed to know that they were going to," Steve defended. Peter flinched when he heard a shove. He thought it was most likely Tony shoving Steve.

"Maybe you should've thought about how putting Toomes and Louis in the same prison is a horrible decision."

The elevator doors opened and Peter dropped the wrench. That sentence made Peter's stomach drop. They escaped. The two people he hated most in the world. The people who've caused him so much pain.

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