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"Tony?" Peter peaked his head through Tony's bedroom door.

"Yeah?" Tony replied over his shoulder while looking at himself in the mirror and fixing his hair.

"Can you help me real quick?" Peter asked innocently.

Tony turned now and motioned him to come in, "with?"

Peter walked into the room and struggled to unravel the tie he made into a bracelet around his wrist. "I don't know how to do this. I did it once with some help but I just forgot."

Tony took the tie from his hand and popped his collar, "I can do this with my eyes closed kid. Watch and learn."

He easily got the black tie knotted around Peter and folded his collar back down. Peter looked in the mirror at himself, "thanks Tony. When Clint tried helping it turned into a bow."

Tony was happy he didn't call him Mr. Stark. 'Mr. Stark' made him feel like he wasn't that close to Peter in a way. Yet he didn't tell Peter what to call him even though he wanted to.

Tony chuckled slightly and pat Peter's shoulder. "You look good Pete. Now go and do your hair, we're leaving in a few."

Peter went back to his bathroom and started to gel his hair. He was singing along to the still playing music he told Karen to put on earlier.

When Peter was finished with his hair, he shot finger guns at himself in the mirror. He felt really fancy in his new suit Tony got for him.

He was pretty excited to go to his event. Peter's never gone to something like this before.

On Friday, Peter forced Tony to allow him to go to school. Tony wasn't sure of letting him go because of his panic attack the day before, but Peter pushed it. He was fine throughout the whole day though it went by quick. The only thing was that he was quieter than usual.

But on Saturday he was more like himself. Tony and him went out to find a suit perfect for him to wear today. He also went swimming with Clint and Steve.

The best part about that day, Peter thought, was that Tony was letting him start to train again. I mean it was only training, but that was better then nothing. Nat worked with him most of the time and would teach him new moves.

Now it was Sunday and time to go to Tony's event. When he was done looking at himself in the mirror, Peter made his way down to where the car is waiting. Happy was sitting in the passenger side of the car but Tony wasn't out yet. Peter just sat down in the back seat.

He started to babble to Happy knowing he was annoyed. But Happy was fun to get annoyed so most of the time now Peter did it on purpose for his own amusement.

After a few minutes, Tony hopped in the drivers seat. "Ready?"

"Let's go," Happy replied and Tony began driving.

Peter was still talking about random school stuff to Happy when Tony interrupted, "hey kid listen up."

"Yeah," Peter said quickly, going quiet and facing the back of Tony's head.

"This event thing is more like a party, a really big one. There's about an hour of me talking and introducing it blah blah blah. That's the boring part. You'll be up front row with Happy and Rhodey during that. Got it?"

"Loud and clear," Peter replied.

"And for the party part just go have fun. Don't stay too far though words getting out I have a son so if they start to get all over you come find me," Tony warned.

"Ok. How long does it go until?" Peter asked seeing that it was 9:00 PM already.

"Whenever they're done partying kid," Tony replied with a smile.

Pretty soon Tony pulled up in front of a large, and very nice building. The car doors were opened for them and Peter was in shock on how many people were outside the car. So many cameras and hands and screams.

Tony turned to Peter before he got out and said, "stay by me you'll be fine."

Peter waited to get out the car until he saw Tony outside his car door. He then climbed out and right beside Tony.

Peter kept up with Tony as they made their way into the building. So many pictures of them were being taken, and so many people were waving and yelling out his dad's name. It kind of started to give him a headache even though he thought it was pretty cool.

Soon after, everyone was starting to file in the doors and settle into their spots. The so called 'boring part' was going to begin shortly. Some security guards began shuffling Peter and Tony around. They took Tony back stage and put Peter in between Rhodey and Happy, front row, just like Tony said.

Peter was looking around at all the lights and people and the stage in awe. He's never experienced something like this, he thought it was super cool. Ned would so be jealous.

It was super loud in there because of all the people and their conversations but there was yelling near him that caught his attention.




Peter turned and saw people trying to get to him, some with cameras. Thankfully there were guards around a him to block them off. The yelling was starting to get really irritating, more then it should have been. He was starting to get a headache.

Then the introduction began. A low voice in the mic overhead cause Peter to immediately turn back to the stage. He was excited to see his dad up there.

"Please welcome... TONY STARK!" The voice announced.

The crowd went wild. Peter joined in on their clapping and yelling when the billionaire stepped onto the stage. All the screaming voices and clapping started to make his head pound a little bit, but he tried his best to ignore it. A simple headache wasn't going to ruin this, so Peter kept his excited smile on his face.

Tony spotted Peter in the front of the crowd and saw him waving crazily to him. Tony waved back with a small chuckle. After that he settled everyone down and began to get to business.

Peter listened closely to everything he talked about. He seemed to have thought of everything to make his new system perfect. It was all really interesting to Peter especially because he actually knew what Tony was talking about the whole time.

When Tony finished speaking and he took a bow, the crowd erupted with roars again. This time Peter was too busy covering his ears to applaud the speech, even though he wanted to clap along with everyone else.

Tony left the stage and music started blaring. It was way more obnoxious then it should have been in Peter ears. He just kept his ears covered and squinted his eyes as Happy and Rhodey led him back stage to meet with Tony.

It was way more quiet back there, yet all the noises still bothered Peter. But he lowered his hands and smiled when he saw Tony.

"How was my speech?" Tony asked walking up to Peter.

"It was great! Even though it seemed like you didn't practice enough..." Peter teased, laughing.

Tony rolled his eyes and smiled, "oh really?"

Peter nodded, still laughing as a reply.

"Alright time to go have some fun. Go do whatever. Except drink. Don't do that. I would let you but Rhodey says you're 'underage' whatever that means," Tony pat Peter's shoulder. "Also the people planning on bothering you were taken care of, you shouldn't have any problems with that paparazzi sh-stuff."

Peter gave a thumbs up and Tony led him out from back stage. Tony was instantly met by people wanting to shake his hand, so Peter decided he'd go off on his own.

The lights seemed so much crazier and way more colorful then before, he couldn't help but squint his way trough the crowd. And the music made his head pound. He was getting overwhelmed by it all. He could start hearing into random people's conversations and a bunch of different people's laughter.

The worst was now the smell. All the alcohol, different food mixed together, people's breaths, and all the perfumes and cologne. It made his stomach twist. He felt sick.

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