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Tony rushed to get out of the building with Peter limp in his arms. The boy was still somewhat conscious, but he didn't dare to move. Every bullet that flew towards the two was blocked by Tony's armor, he made sure of it.

Finally he made it out of the building and began flying to the tower where Bruce could help. "Steve?" Tony asked over the coms.

"Yeah I'm here. Did you get the kid?" He sounded out of breath.

"Yeah he's hurt really bad. I'm getting him to Bruce now," Tony said.

"Ok. We've got everything handled here so Peter doesn't have to worry about it. S.H.E.I.L.D. should be here any minute," Captain concluded.

Tony held on tight to the kid in his arms as his jets carried them to the tower.

Ironman ran inside once he landed, not bothering to take the suit off yet. "FRIDAY GET BRUCE TO THE MEDICAL WING. NOW." He yelled running to his destination.

Bruce made it to the medical wing before they did because he was already in the building. When he saw Peter, his eyes went wide. "Dear god... Tony put him on the table now," Bruce was now scurrying around trying to find what he needed.

'He didn't even see under his shirt yet,' Tony thought to himself, growing more anxious.

"Friday call any nurses or doctors we have on sight right now to come in here," Bruce said while putting a clear mask over Peter's nose and mouth.

A few moment later, 2 doctors and 3 nurses walked in. Bruce immediately got them to work.

"Give him a sedative."

"Not that one, he needs the stronger one."

"An anesthetic too."


"Heart rate."

"Take his shirt off."

"Oh my god..."


Tony's mind was racing from all the commotion with the doctors and Peter. He was thankful he was still in his suit to hide his nervous hands. "Tony," Bruce got his attention.

Tony faced down towards the man and away from his kid. Bruce spoke again, "you're going to have to leave, we need to fix all the stitching. It's infected and could get worse, it needs to be sterile in here."

The anxious man didn't want to leave but he knew he had to for Peter's safety. So he left the room and went to the lab to take his suit off. Right after he was back in the medical wing, waiting in the room outside where they were working on Peter.


Three hours later the doctors and nurses left the room. It felt like a relief when Tony saw them done. Bruce took a seat beside Tony while the others went back to where they were before the incident.

"Is he ok?" Tony asked, kind of afraid of the response.

"Right now, not really. What they did to him was horrifying and-and disgusting, he went through a lot of pain. But he's stable. We found something in his system that was messing with his abilities, so when it's completely flushed out in about an hour, he should start to heal. With his healing it should be 3 days until I can release him." Bruce sounded exhausted.

"I'm so fucking stupid," Tony wanted to kick every chair in the room through the window. How could he have let this happen?

"Hey it's not your fault, there was no way in tracking him and you couldn't have known he was gonna go after Louis the first place. You ended up finding him anyways. Don't start blaming yourself," Bruce put a soft hand on his shoulder. "You can go in there now."

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