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"Time to wake up kid," Tony said while softly shaking his shoulder.

"Mmmmmmmmm," Peter mumbled and opened his eyes slowly. Tony stood up and made his way to his closest when he saw Peter awake.

Peter got up from the floor and collected his blanket and pillow then made his way to his room. The past two nights Peter hasn't been able to fall asleep by himself in his own room. He was afraid of being alone and having more nightmares. He'd lay in his bed for hours just staring at the ceiling.

Both nights this has happened, the time was 1:00 AM when he decided to make his way to Tony's room. Surprisingly, Tony was there and asleep both nights. Peter thought he might've been in the lab or something.

Anyways, Peter would just get himself comfortable on the floor at the foot of Tony's bed. He assumed Tony didn't really mind because he didn't kick him out when he woke up Wednesday morning. He actually just allowed him to sleep as long as he wanted to there.

Tony also knew the kid was terrified of getting more nightmares, so if sleeping on the floor in his room helped, he wasn't going to protest.

By the time Peter was finished getting ready and ate breakfast, Happy was all set to take him to school. Tony had a really important work call to take, but he said he would pick Peter up.

Once Peter walked through the front doors of school, he realized that he kind of missed it in an odd way. No doubt was school a pain in the ass for everyone, but there's still things enjoyable about it.

Peter liked learning too, especially science so he was excited to go to that class today. He also missed seeing Ned everyday. He was his best friend and it's always nice to have your best friend around no matter where. It also made him feel a little normal. He was back on schedule which distracted him from his recent past.

But of corse there were things that made school horrible like homework, mean teachers, and...

"Welcome back Penis Parker!" Flash yelled across the hall. Peter let out a sigh of relief when that's all he did. He probably heard about his aunt and decided to cut him a break today.

Then Ned came up to his side, "hey man. You ready to be back?"

"Yeah," Peter assured him, opening his locker.

"If you say so. I'll try and catch you up in everything."

"Ok thanks," Peter replied.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast. Ned explained everything and Peter caught on quickly. At lunch, Peter was finally able to explain his absence to MJ. She felt really bad for him and said she would be there to help him with anything.

Then finally, the last period of the day. Science!

Him and Ned were in the same class, so they sat next to each other and have been lab partners all year.

"Good after noon everyone," the teacher began. "Today we'll be dissecting frogs like I promised. And yes you have to fill out the lab sheet, so I hope you picked those up on the way in."

"We're dissecting frogs? And you didn't tell me?!" Peter turned to Ned and whispered.

"Yeah I kinda forgot," Ned whispered back.

"I'll start handing out trays with all the supplies you need and then come around with the frogs shortly after," she explained, then began handing out the trays.

Once she set the tray on Peter and Ned's lab station, Peter froze. He saw the scalpel and scissors and tweezers... 'oh god Peter please don't freak out now' he thought to himself.

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