Tools: Cauldron

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You can buy the cauldron pictured above here (please note that this one is only meant to burn incense):

(That link is the External Link for this part)

A traditional cauldron is not an essential spell casting tool - any pot will do - but an iron cauldron is a useful addition to any witch's tool collection. Cauldrons symbolise the element of water, but they are also used to contain fire. Cauldrons appear in ancient lore as fonts of wisdom and sources of sustenance. They retain enormous magical power today.

The cauldron is also associated with femininity due to it being analogous with a womb (it receives and contains energy). Thus, cauldrons are greatly associated with manifestation magick and are ideal for transformational spells (bringing changes into your life).

Cauldrons can be used for brewing potions, cooking magickal meals, making infusions, containing fires, crushing herbs & powders, and burning herbs, candles, & incense.

Improvising a cauldron

Not every witch can have a traditional 3-legged, pot-belly iron cauldron, and it's perfectly okay to use something else that has the same symbolism. Depending on what you plan to use your cauldron for, there are many substitutions you can use.

If you are using your cauldron for...

Containing a fire:
> fire pit
> chiminea
> barbeque
> brazier

> iron Dutch oven
> cooking pot
> steal saucepan
> potjie (South African cooking pot)

Crushing herbs/powder:
> mortar & pestle
> ceramic flowerpot with base (unpainted)
> any ceramic/stone bowl

Burning candles/incense:
> wax melter
> mini cauldron-shaped incense burner
> any ceramic/stone bowl

Performing Cauldron Spells

A cauldron can be used in any kind of spell, but it is especially powerful for transformational spells. Transformational spells create change in your life, either by banishing something negative or by manifesting something positive.

Burn herbs in the cauldron to amplify the magical energy of your spells.

If you are making a potion in your cauldron, focus all of your magical energy on your goals as you brew your potion.

Use your cauldron during magical celebrations, such as for apple bobbing during Samhain (Halloween).

Caring for your cauldron

> Wipe out the cauldron with a damp cloth if ash builds up on the inside
> If you are using it for cooking, follow the usual instructions for cleaning metal cookware
> Keep the cauldron on/under your altar with your other magical tools between uses.
> If you are using a cast iron cauldron, make sure to dry it thoroughly after washing to prevent oxidisation, and keep it in a dry place.
> If it is used by friends/for non-magical purposes/for a strong banishing spell or hex, re-cleanse and re-consecrate it.

Safety tip: if you're going to be using the cauldron to hold fire, keep a layer of sand at the bottom so fire can't spread and it can easily be snuffed out if things go wrong. Sand is also good for standing loose candles in, and the sand catches the melted wax so you don't have to clean wax off the bottom of your cauldron.

First published: Jun 2018

Last updated: Jul 2023

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