Basic Spell Framework

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Most spells should follow this basic framework

1. Create a sacred space. Either do this by casting the magic circle, or simply meditate. It's best to cleanse the space first with incense, burning sage, or sweeping with the besom before casting the circle.

2. Call the quarters and their elements. They will protect you and lend you their power to achieve your goal.

3. Invoke the chosen deities.

4. State your intention and perform the spell

5. Thank the deities and release them.

6. Thank the quarters and release them

7. Open the circle

Four important things to temember

1. Choose the proper goal. It should be attainable in a reasonable amount of time and not harm anyone.

2. Be confident. If you are not sure that you really deserve or want a particular goal, your spell will fail. Be confident in your belief that it is the best thing for you.

3. Be willing to accept the consequences. Sometimes even the best-intentioned spells have an unexpected result. You must be willing to accept any and all results of your spell.

4. Forget it. Do not obsess over the spell after you cast it. Instead, go about your life. You will recognise it when the manifested opportunity or result presents itself.

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