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Charms are short spells. They often comprise of a few short lines spoken aloud, and usually don't need tools, entities, or magic circles.

Charms can be included within a longer spell. They can also be used to reactivate the energy of a full ritual spell that you performed earlier.

Charms often break the haste rule, but it doesn't matter because they are useful in situations where you don't have much time.

The haste rule mostly applies to emotionally charged situations where you may not be thinking clearly.

The following charms have been taken from Selene Silverwind's "The Witch's Journal".

Athame Searching Charm

If you have trouble locating your first blade, say these words to help guide you to it:

"Lord of light, brighten the path to my athame.

Lead me to my sacred blade."

Divination Charm

Some witches like to cast a spell to improve their divination. If you do not want to do a full spell, but feel a charm is necessary, repeat these words:

"Open my vision, clear my sight, bring the answer into the light."

Blessing Charm

To bless an object quickly, or as part of a spell.

"Lady of light, please bless this [name].
Endow it with power and positive energy.
Blessed be."

Parking Space Charm

When you are driving to a popular destination, you might spend some time parking. Save yourself the trouble by manifesting the space before you arrive. As you drive, visualise several spaces being open in the car park/parking lot. See yourself pulling into one without waiting. Repeat this charm just before entering the lot:

"O great goddess of beauty and grace, help me find a parking space."

Love Charm

Legend states that you will dream of the person you will marry if you sleep with a mirror under your bed. On a full moon, light a pink candle and put it next to your bed. Gaze into a small mirror and say:

"Goddess of the moon, lady of enchanted light, show the face of my beloved to my dreaming sight."

Blow out the candle, and place the mirror under your bed (not under your pillow).

Weight-loss Charms

Although weight loss requires excercise and a change in diet, you can say these charms whenever necessary to help with motivation:

1. "I have power over food. Food does not rule me."

2. "My body is a gift and I respect it."

3. "I see the beauty in myself and reflect it to the world."

Confidence Charm

Say these words in front of the mirror for a quick confidence boost before an important meeting or public speech:

"Give me Apollo's charm
and Athena's insight,
so my confidence will sway
all within my sight."

Confidence in Appearance Charm

To boost your confidence in your appearance, stare into a mirror and repeat this charm three times:

"I am strong, I am pretty, I am bright. All will look upon me with delight."

Healing Charm

When you are very ill, a full spell may be difficult or dangerous to perform. Light a blue candle, invoke a healing deity to help charge some chalice water with healing energy, and say:

"I charge this water for healing. May it purge my body of illness and restore me to new strength."

New Friends Charm

Use this charm to help you feel more confident in new situations where you could make friends or allies. Imagine yourself surrounded by pink light, and say:

"With confidence and grace, I attract friends in this place."

Debt Charm

If you are ready to get out of debt, first make a mental commitment to succeed and then develop a plan. Once your plan is in place, repeat this charm three times every time you make a debt payment.

"Debt be gone, worry be gone.
True prosperity tomorrow will dawn."

Travel Charm

Use this charm to reactivate the energy of a safe travelling spell.

"This [object] is my talisman.
May it protect me on my journey.
May it guide me on the safe path, and yet lead me to adventure.
May it prevent delays, and yet allow me to linger when I wish.
I ask this with harm to none. As I will, so mote it be."

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