-Basic Manifesting Spell-

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A basic spell to encourage a particular goal into your life. Ideal for a first spell.

This spell was taken from Selene Silverwind's "The Witch's Journal".

Possible substitutes will have an asterisk (*)

You will need:

> a clear, relaxed state of mind
> candle in a colour associated with your goal *visualisation, *see External Link for alternatives
> symbol of your goal e.g. picture, book, poppet, money (try to pick an everyday object so people aren't suspicious)
> paper
> pen (with ink in associated colour) *pencil
> An appropriate time and place to perform the spell. Ideally, on the day and hour associated with your goal. But if in doubt, perform it at midnight during a waxing or full moon, in a place where you are unlikely to be disturbed.

Step 1: Cast a circle and call the quarters (if desired, but recommended for inexperienced witches). Invite the deity you have chosen to join you. Use words like "[Deity], god(dess) of [goal], please join me on this night as I fulfil my goal of [goal]. Please lend me your power so that I may receive what I seek."

Step 2: Light the candle. Hold the symbol of your goal in both hands and visualise yourself in a life where your goal is present e.g. if you wanted a holiday, visualise yourself enjoying your holiday.

Step 3: Write your full name on the symbol. If it won't fit, write your name, goal and time frame on some parchment paper. Wrap the parchment around the symbol or place it on top and say "Success is mine. My [goal] awaits me. As I will, and it harm none, so mote it be."

Step 4: Thank the deity for his/her help. Use words like "[Deity], thank you for joining me tonight as I manifested my goal of [goal]. Thank you for your assistance. Stay if you will, go if you must. Farewell and blessed be."

Step 5: Release the quarters and open the circle. Let the candle burn down, or let it burn for as long as possible before snuffing it out (do not blow it out - it offends the fire element). Leave the symbol on the altar (or on display where you can see it) until you have achieved your goal. After your goal has manifested, make an offering to the deity who helped you (or thank them again, if offering isn't possible).

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