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Astrology sees mankind as being not only influenced by hereditary factors and the environment, but also by the state of our solar system at the moment of birth. The planets are regarded as basic life-forces, the tools we live by as well as the basis of our very substance. These planetary forces take on different forms, depending on their zodiacal position and on the way they relate to one another.

By interpreting the roles of these players (the planets) and their qualities (the elements, signs and houses) and creating a synthesis, astrology is able to present a complete and comprehensive picture of the person and his potential, based on the natal horoscope.

The information below is taken from a session/class from my coven:

Zodiacs are the path that the sun makes through the universe. Modern and current zodiacs are divided into 12 signs. Myth has it that there were 24 or even 52 zodiacs, but have been clustered to 12 signs. Each sign has a distinct personality type linked to the position of the sun from your birth.

Each sign has a constructive, positive side as well as a destructive, negative side. There is also a 'shadow' quality a zodiac has which it shares from the opposite of that sign. Such as a Taurus and Scorpio both share jealousy as a trait that is shadowed.

The zodiac is not simply just following the sun, there is a lot more to it; You have the entire universe. But mainly you study and work with our Moon and our planets. Your birth chart explains pieces of your childhood, adulthood, love and more. 

Each zodiac has a degree; first, second and third. It is based about when you are born. Usually each degree is about 9-10 days each so the first degree is about March 20 to March 30 and so forth. The first degree is the purest and the third degree starts to share traits of the following sign.

Aries is the first sign in the twelve zodiacs. It takes on the Ego, the 'I'; Awareness of self.

Taurus is second it takes on substance, physical is often attributed for Taurus.

Gemini comes in third showing off expression of self and communication of it and with others. 

Cancer brings on the nurturing aspect and instinct, often associated with many Moon Goddesses.

Leo comes in fifth place and, although not being the first sign, they are often seen as leaders.

Virgo brings in routine and everyday living.

Libra brings in our ability to adapt and work with others.

Scorpio shares creativity and power.

Sagittarius brings us to look in ourselves and find our souls and quest for our meaning of existence.

Capricorn brings in order and stability.

Aquarius brings in the urge to the greater good. (Self or others).

Pisces comes in last place often desiring escape or oneness. They bring us to be enlightened but can be driven off to escaping reality.

Zoe's BoS -


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Further Information

To find your natal chart I highly recommend visiting They provide very detailed natal charts, compatibility reports and in-depth articles.

(I've added that link as the External Link for this part)

If you want to learn more detail about houses, aspects, oppositions and conjunctions etc, please visit

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