-Promote Psychic Awareness Spell-

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This spell is from "Practical Protection Magick" by Ellen Dugan.

This simple spell is designed to awaken your psychic awareness. No matter if you are clairvoyant, clairaudient, empathic, or intuitive-or any combination thereof - this spell is designed to call those abilities and their gifts forth, to help you learn and grow in awareness with them. 

There are four main types of psychic talents: clairaudience, clairvoyance, empathy, and intuition. The straightforward questions in the quizzes that follow are designed to help you figure out what particular psychic talents you are working with.

Clairaudient Quiz 

1. When I am speaking to friends, I always know what they are going to say before they say it.
2. I hear key phrases or words in my mind that will then play out immediately in my real life.
3. If I have a person's name stuck in my mind all day, I typically receive a surprise visit or phone call from them within twenty four hours.
4. I will have a song spontaneously pop into my mind that then provides me with insights or information for a particular problem.
5. I always pay attention to my inner voice or my inner monologue.
6. I often hear other people's thoughts.
7. I often hear what is not said (aka "hearing between the lines").
8. I can send a thought or a phrase to someone else, and they can hear it.
9. I can hear it when someone is lying to me.
10. It is essential to me to have a quiet, calm environment to work in.

Clairvoyant Quiz

1. I regularly experience premonitions.
2. When I close my eyes, I can see actual images in my mind's eye.
3. I mistrust people who will not look me in the eyes or who look away while speaking to me.
4. Visualization techniques come easy for me.
5. While being taught something new, I do better by being shown as opposed to being told.
6. I have experienced a clairvoyant vision  while I was awake and aware of my other surroundings.
7. I would describe myself as a visual person.
8. I have precognitive dreams regularly.
9. I can easily tell the difference between a regular dream and a precognitive dream.
10. I am most comfortable in a pretty, bright, and picturesque environment.

Empathic Quiz

1. As I enter a room, my first thoughts and impressions are usually about how the room feels to me.
2. I am easily influenced by other people's moods and emotions.
3. Being in a large crowd makes me feel uncomfortable physically and bombarded emotionally.
4. When I meet someone for the first time, I gather my impressions and assess them by how they make me feel, despite how they act.
5. When I am with another person, I can easily understand just how they feel. I can sense their pain.
6. I dislike and will try to avoid casual touching from strangers in social situations.
7. Having heirloom items or antiques in my home makes me feel uncomfortable because of the memories that they carry.
8. I experience a feeling of "butterflies in the stomach," or a tightening of the solar plexus area, when I am contemplating the possibility of an angry verbal confrontation or physical danger.
9. I am best able to sense another person's emotional state by touching them.
10. I have my feelings hurt very easily and am often moved to tears.

Intuitive Quiz

1. I have experienced a foreboding feeling (which maybe described as"a sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach") about a person, place, or serious situation that then actually happens.
2. I tend to blurt out whatever comes to mind without first thinking it over.
3. I am an excellent judge of character.
4. I act on my "gut hunches," which are followed by positive affirmations that they were the correct things to have done or said.
5. I rarely worry, because I just know things will turn out all right.
6. I let my instincts guide me while searching for a book or other new item to purchase.
7. I make major decisions quickly and correctly, as if by instinct.
8. I wake up right before the alarm clock goes off every morning.
9. I consider myself a quiet and contemplative type of person.
10. I work best and am most successful by following my instincts,despite what others may suggest.

The section with the highest number of honest yes answers is your area of psychic strength. You certainly may have tied in two areas or have more than one psychic strength. People tend to have a mixture of psychic abilities and talents.

You will need:
> Pen and paper;
> your quiz answers;
> one white candle;
> candle holder/votive cup
> matches/lighter;
> a safe, flat surface to set the candle on. 


You may cast this spell on a Monday to tie in to the psychic and mystical qualities of the moon. For more added punch, you could also cast this spell on a new moon or a full moon.

To begin, look over your quiz answers. Take a moment and jot down what your strengths are. Then make a quick list of what other psychic talents you would like to personally improve upon. Now set the list down in the center of your work surface, and set the candle in its holder on top of the list. Light the candle and place your hands on top of the paper, on either side of the candle holder. Finally, center yourself, and repeat the spell verse:

Allow the candle to burn in a safe place until it goes out on its own

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Allow the candle to burn in a safe place until it goes out on its own. Take your list and tuck it away. See how your awareness opens up over the next few months. 

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