-Basic Banishing Spell-

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Follow these steps to banish negativity from your life. Banishing goal examples include debt, fear, broken heart, illness, self-doubt, a toxic person/relationship, war, poverty.

This spell was taken from Selene Silverwind's "The Witch's Journal".

Possible substitutions will have an asterisk (*)

You will need:

• A clear, relaxed state of mind
• Black candle *brown candle (gentle banishing) *visualisation, *fake candle
• Athame or wand *finger of dominant hand and visualisation
• Chalice filled with water *a cup with tap water
• Paper
• Black pen *pencil
• Cauldron *metal/ceramic bowl suitable for burning things in
• An appropriate time and place to perform the spell. Ideally, on the day and hour associated with your goal, during a new, full, or waning moon, in a place you are unlikely to be disturbed.

Step 1: Cast a circle and call the quarters. Light the candle and incense (or place herb/stone/crystal on altar). Invite the goddess to join you. Use words like: "Lady Hecate, guardian of crossroads, please join me as I seek to remove negativity from my life and embark on a new path."

Step 2: Point the wand/athame/finger at the chalice. Imagine white light coming down from the goddess and filling the cup. Now say: "I charge this water by your spirit to banish negativity. Let the light fill its place."

Step 3: write on the paper whatever is holding you back from the things you truly want to achieve, such as your anger, fear and frustrations. Hold the paper in your hands and say: "No more will I be held back by this negativity." Light the paper from the candle and drop it in the cauldron. As it burns, feel your negativity melting into the earth.

Step 4: Pick up the chalice and say: "Let light replace the darkness in my life." Drink the water, imagining white light filling your body as you do so.

Step 5: Release the goddess, saying: "Thank you, Hecate, goddess of the crossroads, for helping me leave the negativity on the old road, as I pass onto the new road. Stay if you will, go if you must. Farewell and blessed be."

Step 6: Release the quarters and open the circle. Let the candle burn all the way down, or let it burn for as long as possible before snuffing it out. After your goal has manifested, make an offering to the Hecate for helping you.

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