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What is a pendulum?

Pendulums are small objects, typically crystals, suspended from a chain or string that can swing freely. They are used for divination, to explore aspects of yourself, and to communicate with spirits.

Pendulums can be pendants, wood, metal, stone or gemstone etc. Anything with a good weight so that the chain or string is taut. It's personal to you. You can also look up pendulum boards and make your own from wood or paper. The average price of a pendulum is £5-£20 I've found. 

Broom Closet Tip: Making your pendulum from a ring is the easiest way to obtain a pendulum for your magickal work. My first pendulum was a cheap mood ring, but any ring with a good weight to it will do.
You could also get some thin wire and pliers and blend it around a crystal/stone. Make sure you do it in a way so the pendulum is nicely balanced.

How do pendulums work?

Pendulums work by communicating with the subconscious, which is directly connected to your higher spirit and the collective consciousness.

You hold the pendulum by the chain comfortably in your hand, sitting in a position where you can keep your elbow steady. You start by asking "what is yes?", and the pendulum will make a movement to signify what "yes" is to any question you ask. You then ask "what is no?" and "what is don't know or maybe?" to determine what these are.


Up and down (north to south) = yes
Side to side (east to west) = no
Circle = don't know/not sure/maybe

Your pendulum may move differently to this; it depends on the person. Some pendulums move clockwise for yes, anticlockwise for no and side to side for maybe. This isn't set in stone at all. Your pendulum will move the way it wants for those questions.

It's important to keep your hand still, but don't force it to be completely still. A common misconception is that pendulums just somehow "work" by some unknown force that makes it swing; this is not true. Your subconscious controls your arm and your hand to make vibrations that swing the pendulum. It is normal to make involuntary jerky movements; this is your subconscious controlling your arm.

Choosing your pendulum

Choosing a pendulum is tricky. It's best to do this in person but you can do it online if you really sit with a photo of it and if visualise yourself using it. In person, it's best to hold one you're initially drawn to in your dominant hand and hold your other hand's palm flat facing up, under the pendulum. "Feel out" the energy and see how you feel holding it. A good sign the pendulum is enjoying the meeting is if the movement is fairly strong whilst you're holding it. If it starts spinning you should get along.


It's important to use your pendulum regularly so your energy gets more intertwined with the pendulum's energy over time. A good way to do this is to wear it often, or just hold it in your hand while you study or read or go online, etc.

Make a set of three cards for yes, no and maybe and start asking questions. Start with ones you know the answer to and hover the pendulum over to make sure it's working. It should move over the correct answer. If it doesn't, spend more time with it. Holding it, meditating with it. You can keep using this method and also add in new words, numbers and phrases. Space the cards out, and trust your intuition.

 Space the cards out, and trust your intuition

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Spirit communication with pendulums

You can suspend a pendulum over a circular spirit/ouija board and invite a spirit to communicate by swinging the pendulum over certain letters.

If you need to locate a lost object, you can suspend a pendulum over a map or building plan and invite a spirit to swing the pendulum in the direction the lost object is.

If you need to locate a lost object, you can suspend a pendulum over a map or building plan and invite a spirit to swing the pendulum in the direction the lost object is

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Sources: (there are probably better videos but this is where I first learnt to use a pendulum and I really love this YouTuber)

The Book of Shadows of a Broom Closet Dweller *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now