Chapter 10- The Kidnap

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*Warning: VIOLENCE AND SOME SEXUAL VIOLENCE! Viewer discretion advised!!!!!!!!!

Luna POV

The phone call with Kaiden gave us a pinpoint of his location and this morning Dante and his men left for New York City to find him. I wanted to go, to be by Dante's side, but Isabella was about to pop, and since Roman had to go with Dante, I needed to stay by her side. Of course, Dante had a jet fueled up and ready to leave in case Roman needed to fly back. 

My phone dings and I look down at the screen,

Dante: Just landed, my beautiful girl. I love you so much. See you soon, and all of this will be over.

Me: I can breath again, now that you're on the ground. I love you too, so much. Be safe please baby!

Dante: I will darling. It's late, get some sleep. I love you.

I smile at his last text. When he's not home, I can never sleep, but I refuse to tell him that. I know he would be worried when he was out of town or working late, and I don't want to add to his stress. 

Dino, his wife and two kids, Isabella, and I finish up our movie marathon. I yawn, "goodnight guys. Thanks for staying up with me...I'm just a little on edge." 

I won't admit it, but I am so relieved knowing that our guards live in the same house as us. I know I can defend myself, but having security is comforting. 

It's 1 A.M. and I am tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Giving up the idea of sleeping tonight, I decide to go downstairs and grab some water. My phone dings again, and a text from Dante comes in. 'That's weird, he never texts me after I tell him I'm going to bed.'  

Dante: He's not here, bringing the men back ASAP. Be on alert.

My heart stops and all I want is for Dante to return home. I look up, and gasp. Kaiden appears in front of me, holding a gun to Isabella's very pregnant stomach. One of his men had covered my mouth from behind me, and Kaiden whispers "come with me, or I pull the trigger, and kill your best friend and her baby." 

I nod my head frantically, agreeing to his terms. The man holding my mouth pushes me forward, towards the door and Kaiden ties up Isabella to a chair and tapes her mouth shut. 

I'm in the back of a big black SUV, blindfolded with my hands tied behind my back. I try to calm my breathing, to appear as if I'm not terrified.

I don't know how long we are in the car, and because of the blindfold, I can't tell where we are headed. The car comes to a halt, and I hear leaves crunching underneath me. 'I think we are in the woods,'  I'm trying to take mental notes of our trip to find out where we are. I hear the screech of an old garage door opening, our footsteps echo through a damp, cold building. 'Maybe some sort of abandoned warehouse.' I note in my head. 

The man shoves me down onto what feels like a bed. My blindfold comes whipping off my eyes, and I blink to adjust to the light. Looking around at my surroundings, I'm horrified. I'm sitting on some dingy bed with handcuffs and ropes attached to the post and headboard, there's a video camera facing the bed. The room has barely any lighting, just one creepy old light hanging in the middle of the room. 

Kaiden is standing in front of me with his arms crossed and an evil grin on his face. "Looks like I got the girl. Well, it's late, so I'll let you sleep. Get some rest, cause the fun starts tomorrow." 

Walking towards the door he pauses, and says to the other man in the room, "on second thought, maybe I should give her a little preview." The man gets the hint, and walks behind the camera, turning it on, before making his exit. 

Kaiden sits next to me on the bed, wrapping his arm around me, pulling me close into him. "Hi brother," he starts speaking to the camera. "It's late, so I won't put on a show, but here's a little preview." 

Kaiden turns to me, "are you gonna be a good little girl and stay still if I untie you?" I nod thinking to myself, 'what an idiot.'

Before he unties me, the man comes back in, and Kaiden hands the man his gun, and the rope that had my hands tied to him, then sends him away again. 

"Now beautiful, I don't like how many clothes you are wearing." His voice giving me chills, the bad kind of chills. He rips my shirt and pants off, leaving me in a bra and underwear. My mouth is still duck taped shut. I'm waiting for the right moment when he's vulnerable to make my move. I don't really have a plan except to hit him, put him down, and run my ass as far away from this building as possible. 

He's getting lost in lust for me, and I wait, knowing my moment to strike is coming soon. 

He starts to get undressed, that's when I take one of my legs, and kick him in the balls. "YOU BITCH!" he screams, doubled over in pain. I don't bother to get dressed, I just sprint for the door. I'm alone in the hallway, running as fast as I can. I hear him come out of the room, and make the mistake of looking back over my shoulder, running straight into the man from early. He grabs me hard, picking me up over his shoulder as I kick my legs and fail my fist into his back. 

He sets me on my feet, grabbing my throat, squeezing it hard, and slams my back into the wall. "YOU FUCKING CUNT! BIG FUCKING MISTAKE!" He backhands me across the face, causing my head to turn harshly, only for it to snap back as he punches the other side of my face. He throws me onto the ground, kicking me in the ribs, then faces the camera, "Looks like you made her a little brave, looks like I'll have to knock her back down a couple notches. That's it for tonight bitch, see you in the morning."

He stops the recording on the camera, and takes it with him as he leaves the room. Laying there in extreme pain all I can think is, 'I will not let that motherfucker break me. I will not cry, I will fight. I will fight for me, and for Dante. This piece of shit will not bring me down.' 

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