Chapter 26- The Test

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*1 Year Later

Luna POV

Things have been extremely uneventful lately. After asking around with our connections, Aiden's case was shut down, but there's rumors that there's something else in the works. Sienna hasn't tried to contact us, nor have we reached out to her. Vito has completely moved Leila into the house. They're so in love, and Isabella and I's background check/stalking her turned up completely clean. Vito had finally admitted everything to her, and she's been sworn to secrecy. Leila's also become very close with Isabella and I, naturally, due to the fact that we are the top three men's wives. Of course, I'm the Queen, but they are my right and left hand women, just as their men are Dante's right and left hand men. 

The Russians, Americans, and Italians have made over 10 billion dollars this past year in profit, causing everyone to continue to be happy with Dante as boss. He's become the most powerful, strongest, most profitable leader in history, and he loves it. 

Today is Monday, and Dante and I's four year anniversary is coming up on Friday. Dante had to leave for Russia today early, leaving me to wake up alone in bed. 

As I rise out of bed, I glance at the nightstand, noticing the note left on it:

My Love,

I will miss you with everything I have for the next four days. I already miss you as I write this note. Please be safe, and I'm excited to celebrate our four years of marriage when I return. 



I smile at his sweet gesture. I walk to the bathroom to start the water for my shower, when I'm hit with a wave of nausea. 

Running to the toilet, I barely make it before throwing up. Fuck, I haven't felt well lately. I've been tired and randomly get nauseous throughout the day, but this was the first time I actually have thrown up. 

I open one of the bathroom drawers to grab my toothbrush, when I see my tampons laying there. 'Oh shit.' I quickly grab my phone and open up the calendar. Scrolling through the past two months, I realize I haven't noted my period starting. I call Isabella through the house speaker system, telling her to come to my bathroom right away. Roman and she had still been trying to get pregnant, so I knew she had extra tests laying around. 

"I'M HERE!" She busts through the door, holding two wrapped tests in her hand. I grab them quickly before sitting on the toilet and taking the first one. 

I sit there on the toilet holding it in my hands. My heart is pounding in my chest, and I have butterflies in my stomach. 

"IT'S POSITIVE!" I exclaim, grabbing the second one off the counter.

Forcing myself to pee again, I take the second one.

Isabella and I stare at the two tests laying on the counter. Tears spring into my eyes, "oh my god Isa, I'm pregnant, I'm actually pregnant."

Within seconds, I have Dr. Collins on the phone, asking her if I could come in to the office to confirm the results and an ultrasound in case I'm far enough along to see the blob forming in my uterus. 

Isabella and I rush over to her office, and impatiently wait as the blood test results come back. 

"Okay Luna, great news, the blood test is positive as well!" 

Before I can even be happy, fear takes over, "Dr. Collins, what if it's a bad pregnancy again?" I almost whisper.

"Well when was your last period?"

"Um, well I noticed I hadn't tracked it in my calendar for the last two months.."

"Well let's do an ultrasound and I'll take a look."

After moving the tool around on my stomach, she pauses, and I hear a heartbeat. 

I can't breath, that's my baby's heartbeat, holy shit. It's heart is thumping!

"I'm sure you hear the heartbeat, and right...there," she points, "is your baby!" I look at the little blob on the screen. 

"Looks like you're about 9 weeks pregnant, Luna. And from what I can tell this early on, everything looks great! Congrats Mrs. Constantino!"

I grab Isabella's hand, my eyes frozen on the screen. 'That's my baby.'

After the doctor's appointment, I'm sitting in my room still holding the picture of the ultrasound Dr. Collins had given me. Leila, Isabella, and I are all sitting one of the entertainment rooms of the house, squealing like little kids. 

"Dante is going to be so happy!" Leila gushes, holding the picture. 

"I know, he's been wanting to put a baby in me since the first time we had sex," I laugh. 

"When are you going to tell him?"

"I want to tell him in person, he gets home late Thursday and Friday is our anniversary. So I was thinking I'd frame the picture and give it to him at dinner as a gift."

Leila and Isabella sigh their approval in unison. 

Friday can not come fast enough.

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