Chapter 11- The Revelation

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*Author's Note:

Yikes that was a hard chapter to write. I literally had tears down my face when I finished it. But it is all part of the story, I wanted to make my character a strong woman. She will never be broken by any man. No matter what. This chapter WILL have violence but NO sexual violence or rape, viewer discretion advised. 

Dante POV

My men and I are about an hour out from landing back in Italy. Somehow that son of a bitch figured out we had tracked him down, he wasn't there. We are all working, trying to find something to use to find him when one of my men speaks up, "hey boss, we got an email from Kaiden."

I run over, Roman and Vito by my side, and we look over the guy's shoulder as he opens it up and  clicks on the link for a video attachment. 

I watch in horror as I watch that motherfucker hurt my woman. I don't want to finish watching it, but I need to, to see if there are any clues as to where they are. Tears fall from my eyes, and all my men's heads snap up as I yell, "FUCK!!!!!!!! I'M GOING TO FUCKING HUNT HIM DOWN AND SKIN HIM ALIVE!!!!" 

Roman grabs me into a hug, and everyone is silent, as I sob into his shoulder. The men don't judge me, or think I'm a pussy. Any good man would do the same if they had to watch that. Vito is yelling orders at the men, while I am immobilized by my breakdown. 


I sit down, still in shock, and Roman hands me a glass of whiskey, that I quickly down, holding it back out for a refill. Roman sits next to me, not saying a word, but his silent support is all I need. Everyone is focused on their jobs, and I'm useless in my current state, they know that and they respect that. I look up as Vito walks up to me, "Boss, the camera used was a rare video camera. They only sell it in a few stores, and since the words on the sides of the screens were Italian, we know that he bought it somewhere in Italy. Louie is tracking down the store locations right now...." he takes a pause before stating his theory, "Boss, Kaiden isn't very smart and he's sloppy. I think he is probably somewhere around the area from the store he bought it from. He's in a rush and desperate...he couldn't have gone too far." I nod at his information. 

"Found it boss! Only one store in Italy sold that camera today, it's about 50 miles out from your house." Louie speaks up. 

I clear my throat, with new found hope and clarity, "Good job guys. Louie, pull up an aerial view of the radius surrounding my house and the store." He does as instructed, and all of us turn to face the big screen displaying the views side by side. 

Everyone is staring at it, thinking and searching quietly. I spot a old looking roof in the woods, not too far from my house. "Zoom in right there," I command as I point to the roof.

It's an empty abandoned warehouse, a perfect location to hide someone. A perfect location where no one will be around to hear screams. "That's it. That's where he has her. Louie get the location on that. Vito, call our men that are still at home, inform them of the situation, and tell them to go to the location immediately. They should NOT wait on us. We will head straight there as soon as we land." 

I need to get her, today. She can not be there another day. I will not allow it to happen. With our revelation of her whereabouts, my head becomes crystal clear. I know what I have to do to get her back, and I know what I will do once she's safe. I will fucking tear Kaiden apart. 

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