Chapter 13- The Rescue

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*Warning: Some violence in the beginning of the chapter. Viewer discretion advised. 

Luna POV

I can't bite my tongue to prevent screaming because of the amount of pain I feel as the bullet rips through my shoulder. 

"ONE LAST CHANCE LUNA! DON'T MAKE ME KILL YOU! JUST FUCKING MARRY ME!" Kaiden screams as he raises the gun to my head. 

"I will fucking destroy you, Kaiden. I will literally take pleasure in stabbing each and every one of your joints before I move on to breaking each other of your bones. And only after I have skinned you alive, will I set you on fire to face your ultimate death.." I spit at him, the words sound like daggers. 

"Well my dear wife, that sounds like a great plan." A new voice enters the room. But not just any random voice, it's the love of my life's voice. 'Dante.'

Dante appears in the room, with 5 men following him, they all surround Kaiden in a circle. 

"Drop your weapon brother, you're outnumbered and out-skilled." Dante commands. 

"I'll put a bullet in her head," Kaiden answers, resulting in a chuckle from Dante.

"My men will have 5 in yours before you can even think about pulling the trigger." Dante shoots back. 

Kaiden tightens his finger around the trigger, but before he can actually put any pressure on it, a bullet goes straight through his head. It's all slow motion, as I see Kaiden's dead body fall towards me, causing my chair to fall back, and Dante running to me, trying to catch me, before my head hits the ground, and all I see is black. 

Dante POV

I try to catch my love before she hits the ground, but she's too far away. Her head hits the ground, knocking her out cold. The hard impact, in addition to her blood loss, and other injuries causes her to go unconscious. I pick up her damaged, bruised, limp body and carry her out of that hell hole. "Stay with me, my love." I stroke her face, holding her close to me in the speeding car. 

Our doctors are ready once again, and they rush her away. I join my men in the waiting room. Dino, and some of the other guys left at home were already here, after the shock and fear that Isabella had experienced, she went into labor, and they rushed her here. Roman has been in her room, by her side since landing in Italy and getting their call. 

The exhaustion of today is taking over, plus the lack of energy I have from not eating or drinking for the past 24 hours, and the emotional rollercoaster of the day, I let sleep take over, as I lean my head back in the chair. 

"Dante Constantino?" My head snaps up quickly at the sound of someone's voice calling my name. "Yes, that's me!" I jump up out of the chair I had been sleeping in for the past two hours. "You can see her now, follow me."

I'm practically shoving the nurse to lead me to Luna's room faster. I walk into her room to see my beautiful wife in a peaceful sleep. 

I turn to the nurse, "So..."

"She's suffered quite extensive injuries. She's stable, and will most likely make a full physical recovery, however, let me grab the doctor for you to explain in more detail." The nurse says as she checks some of Luna's vitals. She finishes and runs off to find the doctor.

I slump into the chair next to the hospital bed, grabbing Luna's hand, holding it softly. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry," I sob as my head falls into my grip on her hand. I don't know how long I stay like this, but I'm interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I jump back up out of the chair. 

The doctor walks over and shakes my head, before informing me, "She's been through a lot, as you know. First, her rib cage is severely injured, her left side is broken and her right is deeply bruised. We wrapped her up in a bandage, holding up her ribcage to decrease some of the pain. Her left wrist was fractured from what I assume, someone applying an extreme amount of pressure, causing it to quite literally snap..." He pauses to let me soak in all the information. 

"She'll have to be in a cast for a while, before wearing a brace after that. The stab wound on her knee is sewed up, and besides the initial pain, it will not cause any further damage. The knife cuts on her back are sewed up, and will scar, but once again, no further damage. We removed the bullet out of her shoulder and stopped the bleeding. She will need surgery to fix some of the ligaments and tendons, but we wanted her body to heal before proceeding with that." He stops again, giving me the chance to absorb what he's saying.  I take a breath and nod for him to continue.

"Her eye is swollen shut from the force of the punches, and her cheekbone is very bruised, but luckily not broken. She has bad bruising all over her body, but with time, that will go away, no internal damage was done. Good news is, even after hitting her head so hard, she has no concussion or head injury. We will give her antibiotics to keep infection away from her bullet and stab wounds. She will also be on a high amount of painkillers, as you can guess, she is in a terrible amount of pain." 

"Anything else doc?" I say sarcastically. 

"I'm going to be straight up with you, sir. I know she has suffered a great amount of physical injury, but I'm extremely worried about the mental damage that has been done here. Let her rest for now, you can stay by her side. She will be in and out of sleep, I have no guess as to how long she will need to stay here. In a couple days when she's feeling a bit better, I will sit down with you both and walk you through the surgery process and schedule the surgery for her shoulder. Let me know if you need anything, Mr. Constantino."

I sit there, baffled by all the injuries she's sustained. And once again, I cry like a baby. 

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