Chapter 19- The Code

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*Author's Note:

SURPRISE! Still waiting on that figured I'd write another chapter while I'm on a roll. I think I'm going to make this story about 30-35 chapters. There's going to be a few time jumps coming up pretty soon, but probably not for at least 2 more chapters. Like, share, vote! ENJOY!

Dante POV

Roman and Vito are sitting down in the big leather chairs across from my desk, as we wait for my wife to arrive. 

Luna walks in, looking exhausted, but still absolutely breathtaking. Ignoring the fact that my men are here, I quickly make my way to her, pulling her into a hug. 

"I'm so sorry I snapped at you, my love. I didn't mean a word of's no excuse, but I swear the words meant nothing." I apologize honestly, stroking her hair. 

"I know, baby. I know part of any relationship or marriage there will be some fighting, but don't ever exclude me like that again." She sighs. 

"I promise, my beautiful wife, I will never ever do anything like that again."

She kisses me, smiling warmly into my eyes. She knows that I am a man of my word, and if I promise something, I keep that promise. 

Vito speaks up, interrupting me from checking out my woman. "Okay, can we talk about this puttana now?"

I lead Luna over to my chair, and sit down before pulling her into my lap, my arms still wrapped around her. 

"So, what exactly happened tonight?" Luna asks, still confused at tonight's events.

"He kept asking questions, but not just random ones. They were suspicious types of questions, real nosy and directed at something. He was fishing for something, and I didn't like it."

"Vito had said to me that he didn't have a good feeling about the guy..." Luna responds.

I turn my head to look at Vito. He shrugs, "I just don't get a good feeling. His intentions aren't good ones, I can just tell by the attitude he gives off. This guy is dangerous...I tried to remember what his tattoos looked like, see if he has any gang associations."

"Well, if he knew who we are, like we think he did, he would've covered up any tattoos like that." I point out. 

"Yeah, none of them stood out to me." Vito agrees. 

"Well we know he's American, why don't you have some of our American guys dig around, see if they can get any information on him?" Luna suggests to me. 

I nod my head, "Vito, go get on that. In the mean time, I'm going to do my own research. Roman, go home to your wife and baby, they need you more than I do right now. Luna, you need to get Sienna alone, and warn her about this man. Tell her to stay away." I give everyone their assigned jobs and we get to work. 

"Luna, baby, can you call down to Maria and get her to bring up some espresso for us all? We are going to need it, I can tell it's going to be a long night." 

Within a few minutes, Maria has brought up our caffeinated drinks, and I told her to get the night maid to bring up some coffee every hour. 

Internally, I hate giving Luna espresso and coffee, she's already so bubbly and energized, and if you add caffeine to that, she gets EXTREMELY hyper. She's so little, I think the caffeine hits her twice as hard as a normal sized person. Gotta give it to her though, on the other hand, it makes her get shit DONE. 

It's well past 2 AM and no one has been able to find out anything on Aiden. It's almost as if he doesn't exist. Vito and I must've fallen asleep, because we wake up around 5 A.M. to a still energized, functionally, hard at work Luna screaming "GOTCHA YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

She's frantically looking through a pile of pictures of the man. I go over to her, intrigued. "What did you find my love?" 

"Well, I didn't find any hard evidence, but I think I've found out who this guy is and why he seems to not exist." She waits for us to wake up enough to understand what she's saying.

"Look at these pictures..." she lays them all out, we had found plenty of pictures of him from Facebook, but there was no information, no email account attached, nothing we could use. "look at how tatted up he is..." she points to a picture of him in a bathing suit. His whole chest and back are covered in ink, as well as the upper half of both arms. 

"Well Luna, if you remember, I had said that last night, but non of them were gang related." Vito rolls his eyes impatiently.

"I know..." she says rubbing her hands together with an evil look on her face, as if she's a villain in a movie. 

"Luna, you're cute as hell right now, but we're not following your logic..." I am staring at her, half amused, half confused. 

"All of his tattoos, stop at the top of his chest and his elbow. What American gangster doesn't have hand, neck, or full sleeve tattoos? And look at the actual tattoos themselves, none of them are violent, or profanity, they're all patriotic.."

She waits patiently as Vito and I flip through the photos. 

"Now, after staring at them for so long, I noticed this one. It's extremely hard to see on the full body photo of him, so I zoomed in, and clarified it...look into the mouth of the skull..."

Vito and I squint our eyes, and it hits me like a dump truck.

"147...the radio code used by police to inform them that there is an undercover cop present." Luna smiles, obviously proud as hell of herself.

"Baby, you're a fucking genius..." I compliment her hard work and discovery. 

"He's not a gangster....he's a cop, an undercover cop." She confirms as Vito and I look at each other in disbelief. 

The fucking police are trying to bring us down. Never have we had an policeman make it into one of our homes...and the man that did last night, just signed his death warrant.  

The Dangerous King and His QueenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ