Chapter 14- Rest and Time

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*One Month Later

Luna POV

I arrive at home, welcomed by all the staff warmly. It is my first day home from the hospital, and everyone is so thankful and excited to see me. I can't help but smile at their loyalty and support. Dante has paid for a live-in nurse so I can finish healing in our own bed, at home, and so that he can come check on me during the day, since he will be using his home office until I am strong enough to walk around on my own. 

I know I should be a little messed up from everything that happened, but weirdly, I feel proud of myself. I survived, and that's something that is to be celebrated. Kaiden tried to tear me down, but he's only made me stronger and more sure of myself than I have ever been. Dante has been so proud of me, bragging to anyone who will listen about how strong the love of his life is, it's really cute and sweet of him. When I had woke up at the hospital, he had informed me that he had seen the videos of everything, and how proud he was, to watch me fight back, to never give up, to spit into the devil's face. 

When I was in the hospital, Isabella gave birth to her beautiful, healthy baby boy, Stefan Constantino Rossi ( A/N: I can't remember if I had given Roman and Isabella a last name, so if I already did, just pick which one you like best) . Dante and I were honored they gave him our last name as his middle name. I start physical therapy tomorrow, and I'm already itching to be back to training. My body is skinny and weak, I've lost all my muscle tone and curves, and I hate it. 'Maybe I should eat a few cupcakes to get my ass back,' I giggle at my thought, it's not the healthiest way, but it'll be effective. 

*Three Months Later

Dante POV

My love is finally healed up, and getting stronger every day. I love being married to this woman, she amazes me every single day. 

I make my daily stops to check in on our Italian businesses, picking up our money, making sure things are running smoothly and everyone's happy.

Despite all the drama recently, the mafia has stayed extremely profitable and strong. I mean, I always have and will work extremely hard, but with all the recent events, I had to focus more on my wife and Kaiden. Luckily I have the best employees to step up to the plate if need be, and at the same time, are happy to step back down when I'm return. 

*Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter!!! I wanted to kind of just wrap up the whole Kaiden kidnapping thing before I work on building up to the next event. I'll probably write another filler chapter tomorrow. And I promise after all the bad/sad events, good things are coming to the Constantino's!!!! Like, share, vote! 

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