The Boy in the Iceberg

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Aya's POV

"It's not getting away from me this time." I heard my brother, Sokka say with a spear in his hand. I turned to him. "Watch and learn, girls. This is how you catch a fish."

I glanced at my sister who slid off her glove and lifted her hand up. I watched Katara carefully as she slowly waterbended the fish out of the water. My face grew a smile and I turned to my brother.

"Sokka, look at Katara!" I exclaimed to my brother who was focusing on the fish.

"Shhh, Aya, you're gonna scare it away," Sokka whispered. "Mmmm... I can already smell it cooking."

"But, Sokka, I caught one!" Katara tried her best to not pop the bubble while trying to get Sokka's attention. Katara moved the bubble over to Sokka but he ironically lifted his spear up and popped the bubble.

"Hey!" Katara exclaimed as the fish flew back into the water. I watched the fish swim away making me pout.

Sokka turned to Katara and me with a glare on his face. "Why is it that every time you play with magic water I get soaked? Why doesn't Aya for once?"

Katara sighed, "It's not magic, it's waterbending." Katara explained. "And its-

"Yeah, yeah an ancient art unique to our culture, blah blah blah." Sokka cut her off not caring and turning away. "Look, I'm just saying if I had weird powers, I'd keep my weirdness to myself."

I folded my arms, "You're calling our sister weird? She isn't the ones who makes muscles at herself every time she sees her reflection in the water." Katara and I giggled together as we saw our brother doing exactly what I just said.

Sokka looked up from the water and turned to us about to speak but the canoe got caught in a fast moving current surrounded by pieces of ice. Katara wrapped an arm around me protectively as Sokka tried to get us through the current.

"Watch out!" I warned my brother. "Go left! Go left!"

Sokka didn't bother listening to us and kept going the same direction. We bumped into icebergs until we crashed and slide on the closest one. I was close to sliding off but Katara stopped me. We were left stranded on an iceberg surrounded by many others.

Us two sat up and turned to our brother in annoyance.

"You call that left?" Katara questioned.

"Right is not left, Sokka." I added.

"You don't like my steering. Well, maybe you should have waterbended us out of the ice." Sokka sarcastically commented, blaming Katara.

Katara stood up, "So, it's my fault?"

"Sokka don't blame her." I slowly stood up defending my sister.

"I knew I should have left you two at home. Leave it to girls to screw things up."

His words hurt but I didn't get upset over it. Katara on the other hand completely blew up.

"You are the most sexist, immature, nut-brained-" She threw her hands up angrily. "I'm embarrassed to be related to you and I think Aya is too!"

I jumped when I heard something crack behind me. I turned and saw a giant iceberg cracking. Katara is a much stronger waterbender then she thinks she is.

"Ever since mom died, Aya and I have been doing all the work around camp while you've been off playing soldier!" Katara angrily waved her hands around which made the iceberg crack more. Sokka pulled me down and held me close in his arms.

"Uh, Katara?" Sokka and I pointed to the iceberg but she didn't listen.

"I even wash all the clothes! Have you ever smelled your dirty socks? Let me tell you, NOT PLEASANT!" SHe continued her angry rant which caused more cracking. Sokka tightened his grip on me.

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