The Fortuneteller

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Aya's POV

It was a pretty calm afternoon for us. The four of us were just sitting around a bundle of sticks that was a campfire enjoying the peaceful nature that surrounded us. Aang looked like he was crafting something in his hands and I was curious as to what it is. It looked like a flower crown that was made out our fishing line from the fishing rode. It looked really pretty.

Out of the lake in front of us, bursts a huge fish. It looked like a Se Tu from my knowledge.

Katara rises to her feet, excitedly. "Look!"

Sokka looked at the fish in interest as it danced around the lake. it seemed to be taunting us.

"He is taunting us!" Sokka frowned. "You are so going to be dinner."

Sokka grabbed the fishing pole and tried to cast it but there was no fishing line attached.

"Hey!" Sokka called. "Where's the fishing line?"

"Oh!" Aang looked up and held up a purple and pink flower crown. "I didn't think you would need it, Sokka."

Sokka examines the beautiful crown. "Ah! It's all tangled!"

Aang rises onto his feet. "Not tangled. Woven." Aang turned to me as I stood up in interest. "I made you a flower crown, Aya." He seemed nervous. "I thought since your other once got ruined from the storm..."

He held it up with an adorable grin and I giggled with my cheeks getting all red.

"Thank you, Aang." I smiled and gently took the crown. "It's beautiful."

"That's sweet." Katara cooed and my cheeks got warmer.

"Great, Aang," Sokka commented, sarcastically. "Maybe instead of saving the world, you can go into the jewelry-making business."

Aang shrugged. "I don't see why I can't do both."

Katara pulled me away from the boys as Sokka went to chase the fish again.

"Stop taunting me!" He yelled.

"Let me help you." Katara offered and undid my fishtail braid that had gotten really messy.

"What are you doing?" I asked her. "I liked the braid I had."

"I know but I think having it done and framing your face would be better." She suggested.

Once my hair was undone, she ruffled my it and brushed it out. My hair was longer than Katara's, it was almost to my hips.

"But my hair gets in the way." I objected and she scoffed.

She didn't respond and placed the crown on my head. She pinned it back so it wouldn't fall off and she stood back to examine my face.

"Flower crowns sure are your thing." Katara giggled and she turned me around to face the boys.

My cheeks were blushing and I felt speechless because of the sudden change I just had. Katara loves messing with my hair for some reason.

"So, how does she look?" Katara asked and Aang turned around. His eyes widen in awe and amazement and his mouth fell open. I stood there awkwardly and gave Aang a sweet smile.

He pulled on the collar of his shirt nervously. "You mean all of you? Or just your head? I mean, you both look amazing."

Sokka popped up from the water with the Se Tu in his arms. "Smoochie, smoochie, someones in love!"

The fish whacked Sokka away and he let out a yelp.

Aang and I made eye contact and both of us blushed, before averting our eyes. He rubbed the back of his head, nervously and I twirled a strand of my hair with my finger.

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