The Siege of the North Part 1

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Aya's Dream

A young woman with brown hair and blue eyes held her baby close. The baby had gold eyes and brown hair. She was the daughter of a water tribe woman and a Fire Nation man.

They were forbidden to be with one another but refused to be apart. The Fire Nation man was a general and the water tribe woman was a warrior. The Fire Nation was invading the Southern Water Tribe and the man was warning his girlfriend about the invasion before it hit.

"Ruka, you have to leave. You'll get killed." The man told Ruka.

"I can't leave you! Our daughter needs you to learn firebending." Ruka protested. "And I need you!"

The man kissed his girlfriend and then gently stroked his daughter's head.

"I know but I can't risk the danger I'll put Aya in." The man told her. "She needs to be safe and so do you."

An explosion happened behind them and they moved away from it. A Fire Navy boat was approaching.

The baby let out a cry and Ruka cradled her closely.

"I love you Ruka. I promise we will meet again." The man told his girlfriend, caressing her face. Tears slipped from both their eyes as he spoke those words.

"I love you to, Iroh."

End of Dream

I shot awake, letting out a small yelp.

I looked around and saw Aang and my siblings were still sleeping. It's been three days since we've arrived and Aang and Katara started to learn waterbending.

Since I found out about my bending, I've been having the same dream of these two people. Ruka and Iroh.

I've heard of Iroh. It sounds so familiar yet I can't put my finger on who it is.

I don't know who Ruka is but my dream is saying she's my mother and Iroh is my father.

I ignored that thought and just sat there staring at my sleeping bag.

I heard movement and glanced up. Aang was awake.

He noticed me and rubbed his eyes. He leaned on his elbows with a weary expression.

"Aya? What are you doing up?"

He sounded concerned more then curious.

"I just had a strange dream. Nothing to worry about." I assured him before I laid down again.

Strange is an understatement.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked and I turned my head to see his eyes filled with curiosity and worry.

"Um...." I couldn't find the right words to say it and just ended up closing my mouth.

"Don't worry about it. Tell me when you're ready." Aang reassured me, giving me a cute grin.

I returned a smile. "Thanks, Aang."

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