The Warriors of Kyoshi

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Aya's POV

"You have no idea where you are going, do you?" Sokka questioned Aang checking the map.

We were flying on Appa completely lost and Aang didn't know where we were headed. My sister and I were sewing our brothers' trousers.

"Well, I know it's near water," Aang replied.

"I guess we're getting lose than," Sokka said.

"Hey, Aya. Check out this airbending trick." I heard Aang say, but I focused on my sewing job.

"That's great, Aang," I responded, without moving my eyes.

"You didn't even look." Aang countered.

I turned my head to the Avatar, "That's great!"

"But I'm not doing it now," Aang informed, sadly.

I rubbed my neck, feeling guilty for ignoring Aang.

"Stop bugging her, bud. You need to give girls space when they go they sewing." Sokka explained to Aang, which triggered my sister and me.

"What does us being girls have to do with sewing?" Katara glared at us brother. I lowered my needle, glaring as well.

"Simple, girls are better at fixing pants than guys. Guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that. It's just a natural order of things." Sokka explained, but Katara and I weren't amused.  We were upset with our sexist brother.

My sister and I shared a look before I bitterly replied.

"All done with your pants and look what a great job we did." I raised up the unfinished pants and tossed them at Sokka's face.

He grunted, pulling the pants off. "Girls, wait! I was just kidding! I can't wear these! Katara, Aya, please!"

We ignored him.

"Relax, Sokka. Where we're going you won't need pants." Aang informed him before descending down onto an island.

"We just made a pit stop yesterday, shouldn't we get a little more flying down before we camp out?" Sokka questioned, which I agreed with him.

"He's right. At this rate, we won't get to the North Pole until Spring." Katara added, making a valid point.

"But Appa's tired already, aren't you boy?" Aang asked his flying bison, who made a tiny grunt in response.

Aang nudged him. "I said, aren't you, boy?"

Appa did a fake yawn.

"Yeah, that was real convincing." Sokka sarcastically told Appa. "Still, hard to argue with a ten-ton magical monster."

Aang gasped and pointed out towards the ocean. "Look!"

We ran forward to see a giant fish spring out of the water. I widened my eyes for a moment.

"That's why we're here. Elephant Koi! And I'm gonna ride it!" Aang began to strip down to his underwear, making me blush pink.  "Aya! You gotta watch me!"

I smiled faintly and watched Aang do his thing.

Aang jumped into the water and then flew out screaming, "COLD!"

I giggled, covering my mouth. Aang swam further into the ocean and dived under. He appeared seconds later, riding the Elephant Koi. I smiled widely, clapping quietly. Katara was impressed too.

Aanh laughed, waving at me. I cheered, waving back.

I turned to my brother and sister. "He's doing pretty good out there."

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