The Avatar Returns

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Aya's POV

We made our way back to the village to see the entire village standing there, including Appa. The children were excited to see Aang.

"Yay! Aang's back!" They cheered and surrounded him.

"I knew it. You signaled the Fire Navy with that flare!" Sokka exclaimed, stepping forward. "You're leading them straight to us, aren't you?"

"Aang didn't do anything. It was an accident." I explained, glaring at my brother. My sister wasn't happy with what happened.

"Yeah, we were on the ship and there was this booby trap and...well..we" Aang stuttered, rubbing his head. "We boobied right into it."

"Aya, you shouldn't have gone on that ship. Now we could all be in danger." Gran Gran warned.

"Don't blame, Aya. I brought her there." Aang defended me and then looked down, sorrowfully. "It's my fault."

"Ah ha!" Sokka pointed. "The traitor confesses! Warriors away from the enemy! The foreigner is banished from our village!" The young warriors moved away from Aang and I was angry with Sokka.

"Sokka! You're making a mistake!" Katara stepped in, not happy with his decision.

"No, I'm keeping my promise to dad." Sokka glared. "Protecting you two from threats like him!" Sokka pointed to Aang.

"Aang is not our enemy!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms. "Don't you see, Aang's brought us something we haven't had in a long time. Fun."

"Fun?" Sokka questioned. "We can't fight fire benders with fun!"

"You should try it sometime," Aang suggested.

"Get out of our village. NOW!" Sokka exclaimed, sternly.

Katara looked at Gran Gran, "Grandmother, please."

It made me feel hope to know Katara trust Aang.

"Don't let Sokka do this." I pleaded to Gran Gran.

"Aya, you knew going on that ship was forbidden. Sokka is right, I think it's best if the Airbender leaves." Gran Gran confirmed

"Fine!" I cried. "Then I'm banished too!"

"Me too!" Katara cried and walked over to us. "Come on Aya and Aang! Let's go!"

I grabbed Aang's arm and pulled him towards Appa with Katara following.

"Where you two think you're going?' Sokka asked, sternly.

"To find my sister a waterbender!" I exclaimed and saw my sisters face light up. "Aang is taking us to the North Pole."

"Aya." Katara breathed out, happily. She was still mad but same time happy.

"I am?" He questioned. "Great!"

"Aya! Katara!" Sokka shouted, stopping us. "Would you really choose him over your tribe? Your own family?"

I didn't think about that. My family is the most important thing to me and I believe Katara feels the same.

Katara and I shared a look of sorrow before Aang came up to us

"Aya, Katara, I don't want to come between you and your family," Aang told us and sadly moved passed out.

I felt heartbroken knowing he was leaving.

"So, you're leaving the South Pole?" Katara sadly asked.

My facial expression changed to sadness. "So this is goodbye?"

"Thanks for penguin sledding with me." Aang gave me a small smile.

The Water Tribe Girl (Avatar: The Last Airbender; Book One: Water)Where stories live. Discover now