The Great Divide

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Aya's POV

We were setting up camp near the Great Divide. I haven't seen it before but it's the biggest canyon in the world. Aang and I were gathering grub for the campfire.

"Okay, we got the grub if you guys got the-" Aang paused when we saw my siblings turned around from each other in anger. "Hey, where's the campfire? And what happened to the tent?"

"Why don't you ask Miss Know-It-All, Queen of the Twigs?" Sokka questioned

"Oh yeah? Well, you're Mister Lazy Bum, King of the Tents!" Katara countered and threw a twig at Sokka's head. Sokka turned to her, giving her an angry look.

Aang laughed. "Okay, listen, guys, harsh words won't solve problems, action will. Why don't you just switch jobs?"

"Whatever/Sounds good." Katara and Sokka both agreed simultaneously, still irritated with each other.

"You see that? Settling feuds and making peace, all in a day's work for the Avatar." Aang gloated, grinning.

Aang and I turn our head to see Momo and Appa fighting over a watermelon. Momo continuously tries to fly away with it, while Appa pins it down. Aang takes the melon and uses his airbending to slice it. Momo seems to be complaining about how he got the much smaller half and Appa got the bigger half.

"Come on, Momo, that's fair. Appa's got five stomachs." I chuckled at Momo, as Appa eats his half of the melon.

Time passed and Aang led us to a cliff that had an amazing view of The Great Divide.

"There it is, guys, The Great Divide," Aang announced and I stared at it in astonishment.

"It's beautiful." I smiled, gazing at the canyon.

I heard Aang mutter something and I looked at him in confusion.

"What was that, Aang?" I asked.

His eyes widened and gave me a nervous smile. "N-nothing!"

"Wow, I could just stare at it forever," Katara said in awe.

"Okay, I've seen enough," Sokka said and I looked at him.

"How can you not be fascinated Sokka? This is the largest canyon in the entire world." I asked my brother, motioning to the canyon before us.

"Then I'm sure we'll be able to see it very clearly from the air while we fly away," Sokka replied and I rolled my gold eyes.

Suddenly a man shoved passed my brother. 'If you're looking for the canyon guide, I was here first!"

"Ooh, canyon guide? Sounds informative." Katara pointed out and I nodded.

"Believe me, he's more than a tour guide, he's an earthbender." The man informed. I was giggling quietly at my brother who was mocking him. "And the only way in and out of the canyon is with his help, and he's taking my tribe across next."

"Calm down, we know you're next," Sokka assured the man.

"You wouldn't be so calm if the Fire Nation destroyed your home and forced you to flee! My whole tribe has to walk thousands of miles to the capital city of Ba Sing Se." The man exclaimed, gesturing to the huge canyon.

"You're a refugee!" I beamed out of realization.

The man scoffed, "Huh, tell me something I don't know."

Suddenly, in the distance, we saw a large group walking towards us.

"Is that your tribe?" Katara asked noticing the tribe walking towards us.

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