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We spend a couple days at my pack before deciding to head home. I admit I would miss my cousin, and even Hayden- but, It was time to go. 

I wish I had gotten the chance to talk to Hayden, make things right with my best friend, but he refused to talk to me. I'm sure I will get the chance to talk to him next time I visit my pack, but that wasn't important at the moment anymore. The important thing was that I was finally with Jax, willingly and happy. I don't think I will ever get over what he did to my best friend, but even if I cant move past it, I can ignore it- because I'm happy right now, even if he mad mistakes, he made me happy.

"Tay, what awe you finking about?" Charlie asked me. 

It was only an hour into the ride back to Pack One, and I could tell how bored she already was.

"I was thinking about how exited I am to get out of this car and play with you when we get home," I told her, leaning to the back seat to tickle her a bit.

Jax grabbed my hand and held it in his as he drove.

"I love how well you two get along," He smiled at me.

I leaned over to kiss him but he put his fingers on my lips, stopping me and causing me to pout a bit. 

"Not while Im driving, pup, I dont want to crash," He laughed

"Pup... seriously? I thought we had moved past these nicknames," I fake pouted... we both know that I secretly like it.

"Oh thats where your wrong, babe, this is forever," He smirked.

Forever... Forever with Jaxon didnt seem too bad. 


When we finally got back to Pack 1, I carried a sleeping Charlie out of the car and into her bedroom before meeting up with Jaxon again.

"I want you to meet my parents," Jax told me, making my heart stop in fear.

"Dont be scared, Tay, shes not that bad," He claimed.

"Im not scared," I lied.

"You cant lie to your mate, I can feel it," 

"Fine, maybe I'm a little scared, but dont you think its too soon?" I asked, nervous.

"Were mated, pup, of course its not too soon,"

After much more arguing, Jax finally convinced me to have dinner with his parents tonight.

We got charlie a babysitter before starting the short drive to his childhood home. 

"Why didnt you just live at the Pack house, your dad was alpha before you, right?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, but my mom got us this place so she could have more privacy," He explained as he pulled the car into the driveway of a beautiful wooden cabin. It wasnt too big, but just right. It was amazing.

Jaxon opened the door for me as I exited the car, still shaking a bit in fear.

"Just breath, they will love you," He whispered in my ear.

I looked up and smiled at him as he kissed my nose.

Hand in hand, we entered his childhood home, seeing his parents cooking as soon as we walked in. 

"Jaxon! We havent seen you in so long!" his mother gasped before hugging him tightly.

"Im sorry, Ma, I want to introduce you guys to my mate, This is Taylor, can we stay for dinner?" He asked polietly.

His personality changed completely when he was around his parents. The smirks changed to smiles and the Jokes turned to complements, we should come here more often.

"Of course, sit down were almost done cooking, I have so many questions for you," She gushed, smiling at me. His mother, whos name I had learned was Brenda, had such a happy personality that it put everyone around her in the same bubbly and happy mood.

"Thank you," I smiled, sitting across from her at the dinner table. 

"So, where are you from, would I know your parents?" She started her interrogation.

"I'm from pack 3, The Alpha is my uncle, and adoptive father," I explained to her, leaving out details.

"I've heard about you from George, he said your pretty young though, how old are you?" His father, Joe, asked me curiously.

"I'm sixteen," I answered.

"Have you been enrolled in school since you've moved here?" I got questioned again.

"Um- we havent really thought about that yet," Jax awnsered for me.

"Well you better, the girl needs an education," His mother scoulded.


We kept talking for a couple hours after we finished eating, but soon had to leave to go see Charlie. 

Walking out to the car, Jax pulled me into his arms.

"That wasnt so bad, now was it Pup?" He aksed

"I guess it was okay,"

Alpha JaxonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora