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Charlie's POV

On October 14th every year, our pack gathers around our former Luna's grave. It was beautiful. Taylor's gravestone was covered in intricate designs, all leading up the the knife stuck in the top of it. Dad tells me that's what she killed herself with. Although the story is sad, she saved us all.

I don't really remember my dads mate that much. I was very young when she died, but everyone always tells me amazing stories about her. She wasn't here for that long, but what she did was amazing, and everyone loved her for it.

A short while after she passed, and my dad read the note she wrote him, our pack was able to take down the Rebels, and they don't cause any more trouble to our government.

I try to fill in for what our pack is missing in the Luna department, but dad says I just need to focus on getting through middle school.

I can tell my dad needs help, though. Every night, I see him sitting in his office, re-reading the note she left him, crying. He acts strong around the pack, but everyone knows that he feels that knife tearing through his heart every day.

He never found someone new. I don't think he ever will. He still loves her too much. He always will.


I'm sorry I ended this book this way :( to be fair, I started this book in 8th grade and it just wasn't that great. Thank you, everyone that has been following along in this long long long journey. I feel like I grew up with this book, and it hurts me to say goodbye to it... which is why I'm not going to completely. When I was in middle school, starting this book, I thought it would be a great idea to say that I was going to make this a series. 10 packs, 10 books. Although I might not be able to go that far with it, I'm going to try. So, as this epilogue was written from Charlie's point of view, so will be the next book. Charlie's dad had his romance, now it's time for hers.

Again, thank you everyone, I never thought I would have a book written that has gotten 18k reads and I would never have been able to do this without the encouragement from you guys to get over my writers block and get to work. So one last time, THANK YOU!

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