43. matt's party

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"Ellllllaaaaaaa" Lexie screamed. Ella, who had an arm around Timmy and was nuzzling her head into him, jumped out of her skin when she heard her best friends voice. Timmy let her go so she could search for the voice in the very crowded airport.

"Lexie!" Ella squealed when she saw her. Lexie jumped onto Ella. Timmy couldn't help but smile as the two girls hugged. Ella threw her arm around Lexie and they both walked back to Timmy. When Lexie saw Timmy, she let go of Ella and went to hug him.

"Hello there Mr Chalamet" she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Timmy squeezed her before letting her go only shortly after.

"How are you lex?" He asked but all Timmy could think about was how Matt would react when he saw her. Him and Ella both knew they had been texting each other but they didn't know what about and how serious it was getting.

"Really tired but super excited!" She grinned, Timmy smiled wildly at her and then turned his gaze to Ella.

"Alright! Let's go ladies. Matt's party started a half hour ago" He put his arm around Ella and they all walked out of the airport.

"He's so american sometimes." Lexie whispered to Ella which made her giggle. Timmy raised his eyebrows but Ella just shrugged.

The trio made their way over to Matt's apartment. Lexie was slightly nervous, her and Matt had been talking for a while and she didn't know what it was going to be like when they met.

When they arrived, there were a bunch of people sitting around, a bunch more people standing and big group of people dancing around the other bunches.

"I'll go and get us some drinks" Timmy said to the girls. He kissed Ella before making his way over to the drinks table.

"Are you gonna talk to Matt?" Ella grinned at Lexie. Lexie blushed and refused to look at her which made Ella squeal. "I knew this would happen" she grinned.

"Nothing is happening Elle, don't get your hopes up" She tried to stop Ella from jumping up and down too much.

"Ok I'm sorry." Ella held her hands in a prayer shape up to her mouth to try and calm herself down. Lexie just rolled her eyes but couldn't help looking around every once in a while to see if she could see Matt.

Timmy came back over with three red cups which the girls gladly took. He threw an arm around Ella again and all three unintentionally looked around for Matt. Timmy was the first one to see him, he let out a yell and pointed to him. Matt heard him yell from across the room and yelled back.

"Timmmmayyyyy" he yelled as he made his way over. Ella grinned at Lexie who looked extremely nervous. Timmy and Matt bro hugged before Matt turned to Ella.

"Ellaaa, you look beautiful." Matt smiled and hugged Ella. Then it was time to turn to Lexie.

"Hey Matt" Lexie smiled, Timmy squeezed Ella from excitement as Matt and Lexie looked at each other.

"Hey Lexie." He said before initiating a hug which made Ella and Timmy squeal. Ella looked around the room and saw a bunch of faces she recognised.

"Oh my god Pauline!" Ella yelled. She turned to Timmy, kissed him a couple of times and then ran off to Pauline. Timmy just watched his girlfriend sprint away from him. He then decided to follow because Matt and Lexie were in close discussion already.

Ella threw herself on Pauline and they hugged for ages. Timmy found them just as they let go of each other. Pauline and Timmy hugged hello and then they all stood around each other.

Timmy noticed when talking to Ella and his sister that in heels, Ella was about the same height as him. She had one arm thrown around his neck while her other was holding her cup. He didn't hear what either of them was saying, he just watched her since she was so close to his face.

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