#4: Freaky Friday!

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Valt's POV

I get up from the bench where I was sitting at behind my school for at least forty five minutes. I start walking to my friends to say hi to them before I head to class while walking there I yawn due to me being really tired from waking up really early. I still don't know why I woke up that early, I know I could of went back to sleep if I wanted, but still, I didn't. I guess I was not as tired as I thought I would be, that's probably thanks to me being in Shu's body.

As I make my way to the front of the school I see my friends: Boss (Rantour), Wakiya, Daigo, and a sweating Valt running through the front gates of the school. I keep on heading towards my friends before a thought strikes me, 'Valt!' Before I get to question it the first school bell rings.
"Yes made it!" Valt yells excitedly. But the thing is that is not Valt, as I'm Valt, it's just my body. But my friends don't know that. I walk up to where my friends and my body are at, seeing that Boss and my body are in a conversation together.

It's really weird seeing my body from a point of view other than a video or mirror. You never realize you will ever see your body outside of your eyes. What's even weirder is hearing my voice, it sounds nothing like it sounds in my head. That's another thing you don't realize is that your voice is different from what it sounds like in your head. But enough about how weird it is to see my body. I should be listening to the conversation.

"Hey, how are you today little buddy?" Boss asks my body.

Shu's POV

Luckily I made it to school on time today, I now know why Valt is late to school every day. It's not really his fault, even me that gets to school the earliest couldn't come to school early in his body. I personally think he needs that much sleep to grow a little, like how short is he. No wonder Valt always celebrates when he gets to school, he has to run a lot. But luckily for me, that cheer I did when I got here sounded just like Valt, so hopefully, my friends won't question anything yet.

I don't see my body around which sparks panic in me. If my prediction is right Valt should be in my body. But knowing Valt he loves to sleep in, so I wouldn't be surprised if he slept in and ignored the alarm clock. If Valt is in my body, he probably didn't even go on my morning run I do every single day. Which would mess up my day count which right now is forty-three days. But now it's probably zero.

I walk to my friends, and when I get next to Rantour I realize how short Valt really is, but I'm Valt now so I guess I'm short now. No wonder Rantour always calls Valt little buddy. Speaking of Rantour he's speaking to me right now.

"Hey, how are you today little buddy?" Rantour asks Valt, but not really as he was asking me Shu in Valt's body. Before I think of a Valt like response my body walks up to our group of friends. Relief washes over me as I see my body got to school on time, I can't tell whos actually in my body, but I do think it's Valt. I finally know what to say back to Rantour without letting them know I'm in Valt's body.

"Sup Boss," I exclaim in what I hope is a good copy of Valt's tone of happiness. But before Rantour can respond I'm saved by the bell, which lets us know to head to class. We all wave bye to each other and head to our homerooms. I saw that my body was slowly walking behind me. I want to see who's in my body but, I need a place where we won't get a lot of attention. I look on the side of the hall my body is walking on and see that the lockers cut off and there's a big gap between the beam and the lockers. I quickly walk to there and hide waiting to pull my body into the gap and see if it's Valt.
As soon as I saw my body I grabbed it and pulled it into the gap. My body gave a startled yelped and look like it was going to say something before I covered his mouth. Which is really hard to do considering Valt's height. Before he attracts more attention I throw out the question that's been on my mind for a while.
"Valt is that you?"
Valt's POV
I was walking down the hallways to mine and Shu's homeroom which made this mess easier. But before I could make it to my homeroom I was pulled to the side roughly on my right arm which was hurt. I gave out a little yelp in pain, and was about to yell 'What was that for?'. But before I could a hand covered my mouth and muffled my words. I was about to push his hand away before I heard the question he asked me.
"Valt is that you?" I didn't know how to reply so I did a shy head nod. Whoever is in my body, who I now suspect is Shu gives a sigh and looks a little more relaxed.
"Valt it's me, Shu," Said My Body who now I guess is Shu. I guess I was right. I was going to ask him a question, but I was cut off.
"No time for questions we only got a minute to get to class!" Without a warning, he grabs my right (injured) Arm and pulls me down the hallway to our homeroom. By the time we get there we're sweating and huffing, we step inside and the bell rings.
"Mr. Kurenai, Mr. Aoi, will you please take a seat?" Our teacher asks us in a rough tone pointing to two desks next to each other. We take a seat next to each other putting our bags on the back of our seat and get ready for the long school day ahead of us.

Word Count: 1059

Hey That's My Body!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora