#13: Drama

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Shu's POV

Lunch is over, and me and Valt are walking to our last class of the day, Social Studies.  We both share the same class luckily.  We finally get there, and go to our assigned seats.  I look in Valt's bag for his History book.  I swear I grabbed it this morning, when I went to grab Valtryek.  I look towards Valt, when he finally looks towards me I wave him over.  He raises an eyebrow, but still walks here.
"I forgot to grab your History book this morning."  I tell him as soon as he get's here.
"How could you forget, your Shu."  Valt replies back, make some sort of weird gesture with him hands, towards me.
"Yeah, well I'm sorry if I was a little disoriented this morning, from finding myself in a different body."  I say the last part a little to loud, and some people look towards me like I'm crazy.  I wouldn't blame them for thing I'm crazy for saying that though.
"The teachers going to punish me.  He said last time I forgot my History book that, he would make me stay and clean his classroom after school."  Valt goes on in a pure look of horror.
"What do you mean you getting punished.  I'm the ones that's going to get punished, if you have forgot already, which I hope you have not.  You are in my body, and I'm in yours."  I explain to Valt angrily.
"Oh yeah!  Then it's okay I won't get punished."  Valt says with a smile on his face.
"What about me, I can't stay after school I got things to do."  I try explaining to him.
"Well you should of thought about that, before you forgot the book."  Valt tells me with this weird look on his face, and I can say it unsettled me. I was about to come up with a comeback, but the passing bell rang, and the teacher walked in.
"Everybody, to there assigned seats." He called out, he then started to take roll. Half way through the list I feel somebody poke my back, I just ignore it. Then somebody poked it again, this time I swatted their hand away. The third time I finally turn around to find out who poked me. There seating smack behind me is Chloe.
"Hey Valt." She says in a preppy voice. "I heard you are in a dilemma." I give her a questionable glance. "I'll make a deal, I will lend my History book to you if you doing something for me in the future." I wasn't thinking straight when I agreed to Chloe, all I could think about was not being in trouble. But then it dawned on me.
I now own the yandere an IOU. For what ever she wants, I groan in frustration and put my head down. I lift my head back up when the teacher starts the lesson. I look forward and see Valt looking at me, once he sees me staring at him, he turns back around. And I can swear I saw a faint dusting of pink on his face. Weird.

Did anybody notice the History book thing?

Valt forgets his History book at least twice a month.

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