#23: Parents

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Valt's POV

I guess I should go take my shower, now. Better to get it over with, then be dreading it. I pick up the clothes Shu threw on the couch for me. I put my phone down where the clothes were resting. I carry the clothes, to the bathroom with me. I shut the door, and place the clothes on the countertop.
I look into the mirror to see Shu's face, and his messy white hair sticking up in multiple directions. Probably from the way I sleep. I should brush my hair after the shower after I find a brush. If I find a hairbrush.

I first unravel the bandage that is on my upper arm, I place it on the counter. As I don't know where else to put it. I then pull off Shu's Vest and drop it on the ground. I then untie his tie, which is way easier than tying it. And drop it to the ground as well. I then start unbuttoning his pink polo shirt. Once that is off, I drop it onto the ground as well. I take off his white undershirt, and finally, have Shu's whole upper body clear of clothing. I don't know why Shu wears so much. Doesn't he get hot? I guess not, as it's starting to get colder, now that it's becoming winter.

I then sit down on the ground and pull Shu's socks off, I get up and start taking off Shu's pants. Until I realize something. I'm stripping Shu! But Shu took a shower last night. So he must of have to have gone through the same thing right. I then think on that. Shu went through the same thing as me. Shu was stripping me. I guess if Shu did it, it's fine. Shu had to go through the same thing as me anyway, and he's fine. I finish pulling Shu's pants down, then his boxers.

I quickly jump right into the shower pulling the shower curtain over and turning on the water. For Shu's privacy, I agreed to try not to look down for any more that is needed. I grab the soap and start scrubbing around Shu's body, trying to get rid of all dirt still left on his body. After I get all the areas I put the soap back, and start to rinse it off. I wonder if Shu wants me to wash his hair. Even if he didn't want me to, I'm still going to do it. His hair looks in need of a wash.

I reach up and grab the shampoo. Which is way easier with my new height. Being tall is so much easier. I wish I was as tall as Shu. Maybe I should start drinking more milk, to help me grow a few inches. I may be a little too short. Maybe a lot, I'm the shortest one in my class. It really is sad, as I'm older than a lot of them.

I squeezed a generous amount of shampoo into my hand. I then close the lid and proceed to put the bottle of shampoo back where it was sitting before. I then start scrubbing the shampoo into Shu's white locks. After all the shampoo is lathered in I rinse it out. It was harder to rinse out the shampoo from Shu's hair, as it is longer than mine.

I stand in the shower for a while after that just enjoying the feeling of the warm water hit my skin. It relaxes me, which is good as this whole situation still freaks me out. I thought last night when I woke up this morning that I would be back in my body. But it seems like that was not the case.

After a couple more moments, I finally shut the water off. I push open the curtain I step out and head towards the bathroom closet, where the towels would be. It's not my first time taking a shower at Shu's apartment. I grab a towel and start drying myself off. I then put the towel in the laundry hamper. I pick up Shu's old clothes, that I tossed on the ground and put them in the hamper as well.

I look at the counter, where the new clothes Shu gave me rested. I grab the first thing in the pile of clothes. Which is boxers, I quickly put them on. The next thing is a pair of pink sweatpants, I pull those on. All that's left, is the long sleeved pink sweatshirt. I pull that on as well. It seems that Shu is obsessed with pink. I don't know why he likes it so much, as red is his favorite color.

All that's left on the counter is the bandage, but there's not much I can do about it.  So I just leave it there  and head back to the living room.  I look down at the couch to see my phone still there.  Shu isn't back yet, so he can't tell me the WiFi password.  There's not much I can do now.  I guess I can just waste some more data playing Fortnite.  I know I'm addicted to it.  But it's just so fun, it's not my fault Rantaro showed it to me.
I open up my phone, using my password.  As Touch ID doesn't work if you don't have your fingers.  I scroll through my apps, looking for Fortnite until I see a text come through.  It was from my mom.
Mom: Hey Valt.  How are you?
I should probably respond to her, as not to drive her worried sick.
Valt: I'm fine.
I sent her a response and go back to looking for my apps.  Until another text comes in from her.
Mom: I don't really want to text, can I call you instead?
Any normal time I would have enjoyed a call with my mother.  I was about to text back ok.  Until I realize it's not ok.  How would my mom respond to Shu answering her son's phone, instead of her son?  So I text back a different response.
Valt: Actually right now is not a good time, but don't worry I'm fine.
I hope my mom won't ask anymore.  I don't know what other excuses I can come up with.
Mom: Well ok.  I just wanted to tell you your dad's going to be at the airport in an hour.  Can you come back home to have lunch with him?
Oh no.  What do I do now?  Mom want's me home for lunch, but I can't go.  Shu has to go.  What am I going to tell him.  I should probably reply to my mom.
Valt: Sure thing!  I can't wait to see dad! :)
I'll think more on this when Shu comes back.  This not only sucks for him.  But it sucks for me, I don't get to see my dad.  I haven't see him in half a year.  Why did I have to switch bodies.
I go back to scrolling through my phone, until I find Fortnite.  I open it up, and start playing some games.

Shu's POV

I finally finished grocery shopping. I didn't think it would take so long. But it did. I had to keep finding people to help me reach stuff up high. To say the least it was embarrassing. But I'm finally back.
I head for Valt's pockets where I thought I put the key. But when I reached in it wasn't there. I then reach for the doorbell, hopefully Valt will come and open the door. I press the button, and wait a couple moments. The door finally opens, and I'm met with me. My hair all fluffed up, and wearing the clothes I given to Valt before I left. Well at least I know Valt took a shower.
"Oh, Shu you back."  Valt tells me, as he pushes the door wider open, so I can get through.  I walk to the kitchen table and place the bags down on the table.
"Yeah, sorry it took me awhile."  I tell him, as I start to take the things out of the bags and put it on the kitchen table.
"It's okay. Um, hey Shu?" Valt asks me with uncertainty.
"Yeah," I tell him not paying to much attention.
"You have to go to my house for lunch." Valt tells me.
"Okay." I tell him, as I focus on putting the groceries away.
"Okay, then I guess I'll just stay here. While your off at my house. Oh by the way, my dad's going to be there." He says taking a seat at the table.
"Okay." I tell him, wishing he would go away already, and stop distracting me. But I can't tell Valt that.
"Well, then I will be in the living room then." He says as he walks away. I'm just glad that I can focus now, and put all the groceries away.
After a few minutes I'm finished putting all the groceries away.  I put the paper bags in the hallway closet.  And head to the living room.  I should probably ask Valt what he was saying, as I tuned him out.
"Hey Valt," I ask him as I walk up to him. "What where you saying earlier."
"What do you mean? Did you not hear me." He questions as he looks up from his phone.
"No not really." I reply back sheepishly, scratching the back of my neck.
"I just said, that you need to go to my house for lunch, and go see my dad." He explains to me.

Unknown POV

Young master requested that I bring him his Beyblade.  I place his Beyblade on a carrying pillow and bring it to young masters room.  I knock on the door.
"Come in."  He tells me.  I then proceeded to come into young masters bedroom.  I walk towards him, then I bend down and bring the pillow down to him. He grabs his bey, and signals me out of the room.  I walk back out of the room and close the door.
I am worried about young master, there seems to be something wrong with him.  He is not his usual cheerful self.  I don't know what to do.  It seems to be Beyblade that has turned him like this.  But if I was to take away Beyblade he would be so sad.  I don't know what to do.  I should talk to master about this.

Hi.  How are you?
I feel like this needs to be said.  If you have any questions about the story, or something you don't understand don't hesitate to ask.  I will try to answer as best as I can.  Unless it gives away the plot, then I can't.

Valt's dad only comes home six times a year.  So the times he comes home, are very special, especially to Valt.

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