#9: Chloe...

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Third Person POV

Science was uneventful, to say the least. Shu and Valt found nothing in their condition. The articles they read were hallucinations people had of body swap. But no actually stories on it really happening. After no success, the two just went to work on their science lab.  It was then recess, the two of them headed out.  They both agreed to hide in the art room, so none of their friends could find them.
"Hey Shu," Valt asks.
"What?" Shu responds with, wondering what Valt wants.  The two of them didn't have to worry about people questions them about calling the other person their name, as the art room was always empty at recess.
"What did Rantaro say?" Valt asks, not forgetting the question.  At that Shu turned red, like the paint splatter on the table they were sitting at.  Shu mumbles something, but Valt couldn't understand.  "Can you say that again Shu, I couldn't hear you,"  Shu mumbles a bit louder, but Valt still can't understand him.  "One more time."
"He told me somebody likes you!" Shu yelled out, tired of repeating himself.  Valt sat there dumbfounded for a minute, until a blush rose up onto his cheeks.  "Her name is Chloe, and apparently she is obsessed with you.  She was Rantaro's partner today." Shu gives more information about Chloe.
"Wait," Valt starts.  "There was a girl named Chloe in our science class?"
"The fact that she is in our science class is what surprises you, not that she is obsessed with you?" Shu asked.
"No, I mean who couldn't resist me?" Valt states, at that Shu blush's lightly.  But it goes unnoticed to Valt, due to how light it was.  "Wait what does she look like, if you describe her, maybe I can remember her."
"Well she has black straight hair and bangs on the left side of her face, dark blue eyes. She wears a short long sleeve mint green shirt, with the word 'ROXY' in the middle of it in light blue letters.  She wears turquoise ankle length, boot cut, ripped jeans.  And a pair of red sneakers."
"Nope, don't know her." Valt states, scratching the back of his head, with his left arm.
"After that explanation, and you still don't know who she is."
"Nope! What's more weird is that you know her." Valt exclaims pointing a finger at Shu. Shu just blushes in response, turning away from Valt and looking out the window at people playing in the field.

Word Count: 418
Short?  Yes!
Question: Should I make short chapters like this and update the story 3-4 times a week?  OR  Update this story once every two weeks, but a very long chapter?
Please let me know which one, so I can make a update schedules.

This chapter is probably going to be be the most OOC.

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