#19: Mom

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Shu's POV

Valt headed back to the couch with sleepy eyes. I just grabbed his and my dishes and brought them to the sink. I started washing them. I was about to put the last dish on the drying rack, until a loud ringing sound interrupts me. I look around to see what it is, it was my phone.  It was sitting over on the kitchen table, so I walk over to it.
I pick it up, and turn it over.  And lord behold it was my mother calling me.  After the Red Eye incident my Mom's being checkin in on me every week.  She freaks out so much now, I missed her call once, because I fell asleep.  The next thing I know she was at the apartment next morning.  I should probably answer it.  But then again I probably shouldn't.
My mom dosen't really know Valt that well.  And I'm sure she would find it weird if Valt did answer her sons phone.  Maybe I should go ask Valt to answer the phone.  With the phone still ringing, I walk into the living room.  Only to find that Valt back asleep, snoozing away.  I try shaking Valt awake, but that does nothing, against this deep sleeper.
Before I know it the call is getting redirected to voicemail.  I listen to the message my mom leaves for me.
"Hey Shu, are you doing okay?  I hope you are.  I hope nothing bad happened to you.  I'm just calling to let you know, I will be in town for the next few days.  I will be there on Sunday.  Love you."
I should probably text her to see what's going on.
Shu: Hey Mom, I'm doing fine.
Mom: Thank goodness.
Mom: Why didn't you pick up your phone then.
I try to think of an excuse to why I didn't answer my phone.
Shu: I was sleeping and just woke up to here your message.
Mom: Oh ok.
Mom: I guess you heard that I will be in town soon then.
Shu: Yeah.  Why?
Mom: My workplace is being shut down for the week for some renovations.  So they gave us the week off, and I thought we could spend some time together.
Shu: Oh ok, I gtg I guess I will see you Sunday?
Mom: Yup see you Sunday.  Bye.
I hear a loud snore and look to my right, Valt's still snoozing away.  He better get his energy, cause tomorrow where going to be practicing all day, how to act like me.

It's nice to be back on schedule, I will see you guys on Saturday.

After the Red Eye fiasco Shu's mom worry's for Shu constantly.  Always checking in on him, and making sure her son is still doing okay, and that she didn't loose him again.

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