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Leah's POV

When Tony had suggested that me, him and another kid he called Pete get ice cream together, I thought he was joking. But 15 minuets later, I was sitting in the back of a black Audi with the billionaire with Happy driving.
"Do we have to pick up Pete?" Happy whined.
"Yes." Tony said simply, making me have to suppress some laughter.
Eventually we pulled up outside a run down apartment building in Queens, where a boy around my age was standing. He smiled when he saw the car. He jumped in next to Tony and did up his seat belt.
"Hi Mr Stark!" He said peppily.
"Hi Pete, is like you to meet Leah. She's staying with me for a bit so I thought I'd bring her along, okay."
"Hi!" I waved at Peter and he wave back. He then stared at me and Tony with a confused look on his face for several seconds before Tony sighed.
"What is it Pete?"
"I don't know, you two just look really similar. Like you both have the same hair and eyes. I don't know Mr Stark if it were up to me I'd say she looks like she could be your kid." He laughed.
"Oh shut up kid!" Tony said acting annoyed and snaking him lightly over his head.

Tony's POV

The three of us got ice cream at a mall in central New York. I'd been there before, but for the two 15 year olds it was like they were trying ice cream for the first time. I couldn't blame Leah for getting excited, she'd basically been starved from any treats for 5 years but Pete was a new kind of crazy.
I ordered vanilla, and the two kids got chocolate and mint, another thing they bonded over other than their obsession with creating new tech and hacking into my systems.
After 5 minuets of peace, it was disturbed by the flashing of cameras and the shouts of the paparazzi. They already new about Peter, so he was chill about it. He was often in the tabloids purely because he was associated with me being my 'personal assistant' however he didn't appreciate the attention much. The person I was worried about was Leah. The cameras startled her. She looked terrified and she looked like what had happened when I first mentioned what happened to her. I grabbed her arm and she pulled away.
"We're gonna go home okay." I said softly. She nodded at me slowly, trying not to have a panic attack. "Come on Pete, grab your ice cream and let's go."
We walked out of the ice cream parlour quickly. Pete took the back while I took the front, protecting Leah from whatever she thought might happen.

Leah's POV
The flashes of the camera blinded me, and the shouts of the reporters mixed in to each other creates a garbled amalgamation of questions I didn't want to answer. I shook my head "no. no." I whispered constantly, but it wasn't heard over the shouting.
"Peter call Happy, tell him to get here as soon as possible!" Tony yelled
"Already done it Mr Stark! He's coming round the corner as we speak!" Peter yelled back.
The questions came flying at the three of us and my brain was going ten thousand miles an hour. I began shaking and my breathing quickened.
"Shit." Tony said just loud enough for me to hear. "MOVE!" He suddenly bellowed, shocking not only me and Peter but the reporters too. They shuffled slightly out of our way before Tony Stark marched us through the crowd and pushed me into the car, then Peter before jumping in himself as the car pulled away.
My breathing continued to increase in speed and the shaking didn't stop. "T-T-Tony, I-I-I don't feel too g-good." I spoke, my voice barely able to even say that.
"I know, kid. I know we're almost back home okay. Try to calm down." He replied.
"No, Mr Stark, I really don't feel good."
I repeated, rolling down the window. My stomach curdling combined with the shaking and the lack of oxygen must have triggered something in my because suddenly my head was out the window and I was throwing up everything I'd eaten.
"Oh my god." Peter whispered.
"It's okay Leah," Tony said, moving Peter out of the way and sitting in the centre seat. "Let it all out." He patted my back as I continued to throw up. Tears were streaming down my face and the shaking still didn't stop.
After I had finished, I curled into Tony's chest and cried, and he didn't stop me. He kept hugging me and checking if I was alright. I hadn't even noticed that Peter had gone home until we arrived back at Avengers Tower.
The rest of the time was a blur of lights and tears and brief snippets of conversations.
When I woke up I was in the medical ward. Tony sat beside me sleeping on a chair and leaned over on my lap. "I'm sorry" I whispered. "I'm sorry I ruined your day out."

No Leah, sweetie, don't blame yourself! Aaah stupid reporters. I wonder if Peters going to visit Leah anytime soon! Wonder what's going to happen with those pictures...

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